Battle Trance - Add Frenzy Duration

I would like to suggest for the Battle Trance Amulet, they should replace the following:

  • Replace Damage Reduction from Close Enemies w/ Frenzy Duration
  • Increase Frenzy Ranks from +2-3 to +3-5

The goal of Battle Trance is to enhance other abilities (e.g. Double Swing), the increased frenzy duration would really benefit this item as the duration is far too short. Without frenzy duration, it simply feels too gimmicky to use. Lastly, the amulet should offer higher skill ranks for Frenzy.

Here is a more exciting version…


  • Unique Amulet
  • +30.0% Resistance to All Elements

  • +[7.0 - 8.0]% Critical Strike Chance
  • +[10.0 - 15.0]% Frenzy Duration
  • +[4 - 6] to Duelist
  • +[3 - 5] to Frenzy
  • Increase Frenzy’s maximum stacks by 2. While at maximum stacks, you deal [15 - 30%] increased damage and your other Skills gain [35 - 55]% increased Attack Speed.



20 characters

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Yeah, it would be fun to use this in a Frenzy/Deathblow build, where you stack Frenzy to 5 and then hit hard with DB, but longevity of the stacks is greatly needed (frenzy duration) and belligerence would work better with huge multipliers.

I would like to add that each hit from each weapon when using frenzy should count as a weapon swap. That would help quite a bit with some of the weapon swapping requirements on some aspects.

The Amulet should add a Frenzy Cleave similar to Bash Cleave. Frenzy’s biggest downside is that it has zero AoE support.

If Paingorgers had a Barbarian specific effect and gave a Cleave to all Basic Skills with more interesting Weapon Tempers for Basics, that would also fix the problem.

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The Frenzy duration alone would make this viable. I would be using it on my Dual Wield/Devilquake build if it had the duration. I have a rly good one that gives me a noticable bump in out-put. But without duration it’s just so finicky to use. And I don’t have the temper slots for duration. So I stick with a leggo.

This doesn’t make sense though. The item is an obvious nod to DW builds.

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Agreed and updated OP! :+1:

Nah, man.

Replace damage reduction with ranks of Belligerence.

Increase the multiplier to 150-200%, and replace attack speed to other skills with 20-30% cooldown reduction and/or splash damage.

As somebody else mentioned, doesn’t make sense as item is obvious nod to DW builds.

Do you mean, Double Swing? Belligerence Ranks would help literally everything since it gives you multiplicative damage bonus after a Basic Attack. It makes perfect sense. Whether your primary damage is a Basic Attack or your primary damage is something else like DS, Belligerence will boost that damage. Additionally, extending Frenzy Buff Duration helps with any build using Frenzy as a Basic Attack. Arguably, the only thing that should change to make it more versatile is making +Ranks to Frenzy a Passive instead of an Affix.

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im with carrot on this one. First off, guys you can temper for Frenzy duration if I remember correctly (barb innovation) which is utility. With that being said if your using frenzy as your main base attack then moving the ranks out of the affix slot and onto the aspect gives the amulet way more versatility. I will also say that frenzy really does need a cleave mechanic. Not sure if that cleave should be a aspect, temper, secondary skill passive, or a change to paingorgers. That is tinkering that blizz would have to look at and consider.

Why not have frenzy duration on a frenzy amulet? Without frenzy duration, it simply feels too gimmicky to use.

In reality, Frenzy Duration just needs to be increased to match 100% Temper Duration increase and Stacks should fall off one at at time instead of all at once.

You should not need what amounts to a QoL Temper that is nearly impossible to afford due to scarcity of Itemization Budget Economy with regards to the almost mandatory need for Unique and Mythic items which cannot be Tempered.

Then we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. Why does Blizzard feel the need for having things only last 1-3 seconds that you have to constantly reapply? That does not add any depth of gameplay. You wonder why people get banned for complex macros. Perhaps it is because you have a ridiculous attack sequence cycle just to be able to activate your Primary Damage.


Yes, yes and yes. I hope Blizzard is listening.