Basic skills are so much worse than they should be

Not sure what you’re even talking about. People are hitting for “millions” in late endgame, not at level 68. The numbers I’m giving you are relative.

I have a lunging strike/upheaval/deathblow rotation that is working pretty well for me.

This video debunks basic skills are garbage. Expect more basic skills builds to start popping up now too. You should delete this post or just edit and say you’ve been debunked.

Get back to me when you get into the 80s and let me know how it’s doing. I’m not trying to be rude but your comments towards me about getting good kinda brought this on yourself.

Pulv druid is just a better upheaval barb.

Says who? Your comments sound like they’re just pure conjecture.

Lmao. Brought what on myself? Your terrible takes on basic skills and Barbarians as a whole? That started before I got here. Keep moving that goal post though.

I agree with number 1 wholeheartedly. I shouldn’t have to cast my generator 10 times in a row. Should be cut in half.

I’m convinced the whole reason combat feels slow is the basic generators. Tweak that, things will go a lot faster.

look at my reply a few rows up

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No, I’m giving my own opinion.

that’s fine you’re entitled to it but when a video shows a werewolf just basic attacking everything and taking out WT4 bosses easily that opinion is well… still your own

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The problem isn’t basic skills. It’s all these people with slapped together builds that don’t do perform like all these youtube videos they’re bombarded with :stuck_out_tongue:

Right, but I’m talking about generating energy in order to use core abilities, not the damage of basic skills.

this is confusing me thou like isn’t that the main point of generators thou? do you just want to hit it once for a full resource refill or something? like wanting it to act like a diablo 2 mana potion? :thinking:

hmm… now that I think about it…

Playing druid…

I did, and okay you found another outlier like arclash for sorc, but the title is clickbait as hell. Have you seen tornado shred druid? I already admitted there are outliers and if you cater your entire build towards them then sure something can happen.

Bro, c’mon. D2 was about burning your Mana faster than your mana potions could refill it.

I want to cast 5 times to top off not 10. It’s really not that complicated. It’s really not exciting to be spamming a single ability.

I’m talking about saving seconds…

No, I don’t understand why someone offering criticism is immediately replied to with “WELL HOW OP DO YTOU WANT THEGAME MAN?”

No… we are being realistic here. They could do with some slight buffs is all I’m saying.

Because your criticism is uninformed and hyperbolic.

The majority of the people in this thread have agreed with me. This coming from the dude who thinks that pulv druid is not a better upheaval barb lmao.