Basic skills are so much worse than they should be

Arc Lash would like to have a word with you.


Bro. Play your way doesn’t mean every build is going to be meta. It just means you have freedom to choose rather than bring boxes in and restricted on choice. You are given the freedom to fail and make terrible builds rather than D3s somewhat locked in sets and lack of talent choices that create cookie cutter templates out of the box.

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It actually gets worse as you go up

“play your way” i dont wanna use a core skill my build is built different and its worked up until wt4 now suddenly my skellies are useless and my skills i go with arent doing anything anymore.

Yeah I’ve been complaining for months that they should be buffed. There is no reason for them to be as bad as they are. Furthermore it unnecessarily hurts barbs and druids low level experience as they’re so reliant on using them to generate resources.

“Do this, do that, pick this, pick that. No problems, clearly user error.” The fairest comparison would be to have no additional stats or aspects, fundamentally altering the skills, in order to judge the feel, power balance and viability of the abilities somewhat fairly.

Share your build please

I’m providing valid criticism for a game that I am enjoying. What level are you? how is your frenzy barb doing in NM50+ dungeons and WT4? If we want to talk about being bad, just curious. Also 15k crits? you are aware builds are doing numbers insane numbers in the millions right? my WW barb can crit for 2m with gohr’s, 15k doesn’t really stack up and if you are running a frenzy build with points in it, aspects for it etc… that’s not even comparable.

It’s like an assassin pre mosaic.

Oh I agree, there are a few basic skills that are outliers that is for certain; however, just because arc lash is good doesn’t mean the rest of the basic skills are just fine as is. Two things can be true at once. I am willing to recognize there are outliers, are you willing to recognize what the term outlier means?

First off, have some sense of humor.

Second of all, basic skills are really supposed to be that basic not grand, they are just filler. Arc Lash is an outlier and it is a bad thing, sorc has such a cool tool kit, but here I am spamming a basic melee attack and poking defensives.

I do love the idea or resourceless generator specs - monks i’m looking at you. Forcing your basic skill to be exciting really does not seem like a priority.

Is it so much to ask that even the filler be kinda fun? surely it wont measure up to your main skill in your build, I’m realistic, I’m not expecting it to, but I know I’m not the minority here when I say they just are mostly unfun.

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agree with that, mainly rogue basic skills right now are so weird. Puncture is the best one in literally ALL builds, the 2 melee basic attacks have awful animations and the 2 ranged ones are weak compared to puncture.

Great example of a basic skill that’s actually kinda fun to press and is half decent for what it is. If more basic skills were on the same level as puncture I wouldn’t have even made this post.

Dude, you said:

I’m not even talking about low levels. In fact in lower levels basic skills actually do kill things. I am talking about 70+ gameplay. Basic skills do 0 damage

I’m level 68 and completely steamrolling WT4, which is level 70+ content. My Frenzy crits are anywhere between 15k to 30k, which is a lot, considering I’m rocking high attack speed aspects and Battle Trance. I can do that kind of damage multiple times in a second, then follow up with 250k Upheaval crits. We’ll see how that goes at 90, sure, but your comments above are patently false. Stop trying to move the goal post to pretend like you know something.

15-30k crits on a purely ST skill is not going to cut it later. I’m sorry to inform you. Upheaval is a good choice for a skill, god I wish it wasn’t nerfed from beta. Probably my fav core barb skill tbh. I would play a frenzy/upheaval barb if it actually had aspects that support it.

Edit - there is a unique for upheaval. Correcting myself.

Also remove health bars, they’re so pesky to manage.


I have a burning upheaval unique 2H hammer in my stash.

Reap does 600 damage with a wep that gives 40% exyta basic damage while my bone spear hits for 5-6k with no weapon bonus.

The basic skills need massive buffs. You can still keep core skills relevant with a 10-15% damage advantage.

I corrected myself there, I haven’t seen that one drop for me yet. Still not sure if it brings the build up to where it should be. Upheaval is a goated skill but it needs some love. Pulv druid is just a better upheaval barb.