Basic skills are so much worse than they should be

Lmao. Yeah my Frenzy crits for 15k+ damage would say otherwise. This forum just seems to be a place for all the bads to congregate and pat each other on the back for being bad.


In my mind, if you go down the path of generator/spender they should both hold meaningful and integeral parts, no matter the level or gear situation. To reach a place where the generator and/or the resource is entirely sidestepped begs to question why they are there at all.

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And people like you are why Blizzard absolutely shouldn’t listen to this whiny, cesspool of a forum. You clearly know nothing about the game.

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most builds have 2 damage abilities or maybe 3 with an ultimate, obviously this was intentional its a diablo game, but how has this not been evolved over the last 20 years. Having 1 basic ability and 1 core ability is so boring and really making the game a slog in terms of the combat

Agree with your premise but dont exaggerate if you want to be taken seriously.

Yeah just wait till sorc gets nerfed to the ground yawn

Just remember, you don’t start a game in endgame. It’s going to be a long grindfest before we find/build the endless resource high speed scam builds like Hungering Arrow and Rend of D3.

That was in mid-late-late endgame lol. After 2-3 DLC launches, 20 seasons, I mean you can’t expect 4 to just start with limitless resources and 2 minute dungeon runs.

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Sooo… are there any classes for which this isn’t a case or do you think that’s shared issue?

It’s shared issue. For some classes more than others but…overall, same sheit!

Ok, well, here is me clearing WT4 cellar using nothing but basic attack. I have only 2 skill points in there and 0 basic attack aspects, I could easily 4x basic attack throughput.

With Decompose (shadow basic) with aspect probably 8x that on AoE cleave.

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Well, yeah! It is known that bone spear necro is op af. Actually bone necro in general. But then again, that throws the entire “play your way” gimmick down the drain.

  1. Decompose basic would hit way higher + AoE
  2. Gave you opportunity to exclude anything, you didn’t
  3. You should see properly build sorc, rofl
  4. Barb frenzy would laugh at these numbers

Not just basic skills, most non-core skills and even core skills need serious balance work. There’s no reason for Frozen Orb to be trash and Ice Shards to be amazing. Why is there such a huge gap here at the base level? I understand with aspects they may be fine, but the new player experience (seen here on the forums all the time) is not good. More power needs to be pushed down to the bottom.

I also think Lilith statues may hurt the starting experience because starting a new character with and without all of the statues is night and day.

That said, since basics don’t generate resource for the Sorc, they are useless. Especially because Ice Shard and Frost Nova can CC. Poor Druid has to use basic skills and they all use piss poor damage. I realize at the top end druid is fine. It doesn’t mean the low end doesn’t need work.

What’s your point, this isn’t about you. A new player on their first character, that’s like level 20, is not going to be able to do that on WT2. This isn’t about you top 1% players. You guys will be fine no matter what because you’re the best players. Most people aren’t capable of or won’t want to do what you top players are doing without a guide. It’s not an insult, it’s the truth.

I am literally just holding m1. I actually had dedicated basic attack build during SS. Grab Basic Attack Speed leg, get at least one Basic attack speed roll, basic attack damage on weapon and let’s go, perfectly working basic attack build for low levels. Like if you consider this to be a guide, so be it, I honestly hope it helps.

(note: that basic attack speed aspect is honestly terribly underrated)

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Don’t forget you can boost it. Since my crit chance is still very low (still in low 40’s) I use the topaz gems and boost my Frenzy damage. It is officially my go-to for single target and when wiping out those few remaining mobs from an aoe. The damage reduction is great as well, and lets me alternate between whirlwind and frenzy to upkeep the stacks for the extra attack speed and damage reduction.

Played D1/2/3 and in 2 and 3 basic skills were 100% unused in most builds, also D2 really didnt have base skill like 4 does. So not sure what you are on about.

I am against resource generator basic skills in general. I dont know why we can not have the same system as the old D2 system had (resource potions) and numerous skills than replenis/speed resource replenishment.

So many DIV twitch streamers and Youtubers crytisize this builder/spender mechanics.

If this mechanic will stay it require to boost its damage sygnificaly and/or add option to modify them (runes, runewords or whatever) to make them your main spamable damage source.

LOL, wow. Just because I’m better at the game than you doesn’t mean I don’t have a job or am using a mEtAbUiLd. Maybe you should channel all that anger into sucking less at D4.

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