Barber is Not Bugged Stop spreading misinformation

Crits, Lucky Hits, Vulnerability, Exploit Glyph / Paragon, DoTs all work with the Barber.

Even with Lucky Hit aspects that state when you “do damage”. Those aspects work when the burst from the Barber happens. All of your damage including crits are applied during the build up to final damage that is modified via the heart gem. Your lucky hits during the build up for resource gain will not apply because it is not doing the damage at that point, if it procs a lucky hit during the burst you will get your resources. This is not a bug, this is how the game works in regards to the Barber.

Players attempting to do bug videos, or explaining how mechanics work, need to realise that they have the potential to spread misinformation that results in unneeded changes and nerfs.

The Barber is the one good universal Heart Gem for S1, don’t spread misinformation that results in it getting gutted.


ehhh the one heart every class need to be viable after they nerfed everything


the one heart to rule them all


They screwed over eternal realm to justify the power of the Heart Gems for season. But all the Heart Gems did, was refund the damage / mitigation they stole from us with the nerfs in the patches.


yeah im not waiting for season 5 for a good game lol


I keep getting messaged on reddit saying im wrong and you cant proc other mechanics, and since the mods wont approve my post in timely manner, so ill cross post this here, so that at least some players will learn.

Here is the boss fight from the same dungeon, while im in a full speed farm setup with no generator, and without my single target gear. With a single line item swap, I can sustain permanently with no generator and the boss goes down to few seconds. Im using lucky hit regen on gloves that proc during burst during the add spawn, as well as other lucky hit direct damage procs.

Inner Sight, Lucky Hit, Crit, Vulnerability, Exploit glyph / paragon, etc… all work. Combat glyph works as well, but Im not using it in the clip because I over sustaining in 99% of content and got more damage out of other glyphs.

Everything players are saying that does not work, works. Players just do not understand how Barber actually works. That youtuber that released that video, spread so much misinformation regarding the Barber.


Works for lucky hit. The problem is it does not count all the hits. You hit a mob 50 times with iceshards it counts it as 1 hit. You got really low lucky hit with iceshards your saving grace is that it hits SO MUCH.
With barber i run out of mana on single target once and awhile because the 5 percent chance to restore resource does not proc often. I run without barber my mana never drops below 90 percent.


Thats right.

Energy Cost Reduction on both Amulet and Boots, as well as Combat Glyph secondary effect, might help you sustain better when running the Barber. Swapping to boots with Energy Cost Reduction is the only swap I have to make to sustain permanently on single target boss fights, that or I can swap endcap passive for the fight for perma sustain.

Running a shards build without every mana cost reduction would be dumb no matter what anyway. Honestly do not run out but going under that 100 mana threshold a lot more than i should because of it. I mean I might run out of mana for a few seconds on a t100 nm boss but never while clearing the instance.

Caged heart of the barber is completely busted op nuts and broke the entire season. Its the only wrathful to use on every single build in the game but maybe 2 or 3. It should have been emergency nerfed an hour after release.


Or, hear me out, instead of an emergency nerf neutering a lot of weaker builds that are now viable thanks to the heart, they could leave it as is and take their time buffing / adjusting everything that needs it to maintain this build diversity. I would say if anything needs an emergency fix for Barber, it’s that the 0 dmg hits need to proc lucky hit and status effects during its build up phase.


Been running with Barber the last few days, on a rogue, and it definitely felt like some resource regen, potentially also health regen, and CC procs were not working. A druid I played with complained he got not spirit back as well.
I dont know if Vuln was working, it didn’t show that the monsters got vuln, but the dmg still might have been calculated correctly of course.

In any case, yeah, it should be nerfed. Not necessarily much, but when one gem is by far the strongest choice, something is off.

It breaks builds that are reliant on consistent hits. For example druids get spirit generation procs from their lucky hit damage. Why would anyone want to wait for the entire duration of a barber to get 5-6 resource generation procs all at the same time and to overcap on resources when they need them consistently to fuel their core ability?

The fact is that the barber is build breaking. At the very least it shouldn’t be allowed to consume damage from players that aren’t using it because that’s always been the main issue. It is forcing players that haven’t opted in to participate in a mechanic.


Definitely this yeah.


Show solo gameplay video and claim people who have trouble with the heart in groups or world events wrong.



I said they were wrong saying it was bugged, not that it does not have issues. The fact that it consumes other players damage, is not a great design. Especially for players that do not knowingly opt in for it

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It’s basically made me check my friends/clan gear before partying.

If they have Barber equipped, I politely decline to game with them.

Thanks Blizz!


Definitely should not be nerfed. Its a strong gem, but its not even close to being the only strong gem. In fact the clips I show of my build, the Barber may be the most obvious gem, but its not most important, nor the largest benefit to my build. My build worked prior season start (pre / post nerf patch), and the entire reason Im even playin seasons is one Gem that every content creator has crapped on.

Thats not to say, all heart gems are winners. Every single Devious Heart Gem for Rogue is basically useless. I get piece of Devious jewelry its basically an instant sell / salvage, with the exception of god roll amulets.

How the Barber works is that is consumes your damage over a time period, adds a modifier, and applies as an AOE burst. Anything that would normally proc, procs on the burst. You can still apply status effects, glyphs, cc, etc… during the build up phase. Now where it gets interesting, is the damage you don’t apply. Thats hows you get extras in. So other damage that you get from Aspects, Heart Gems, Uniques etc… (not sure about pets as I dont play a class with pets) that does not come from you yourself, will proc.

In the clips, I am applying Vulnerability 3 different ways, shadow damage 3 different ways, stun 3 different ways, chill / frozen 3 different ways that multiplies out to 12 different ways due aspects / gems, daze 2 different ways that multiples out to 8 different ways. As well as constantly cycling in and out of stealth.

If you are looking to proc vulnerability or lucky hit during the build up phase, they need to come from something that does not deal direct damage from you. You need to find away to proc them from damage that does not come from “you” yourself, or find a way that you apply them that does not do damage.

Damage procs that come from you, will be applied at the time of burst if they get proper proc roll. So if the burst rolls a Lucky Hit, you will the lucky hit on the burst. Same for any skill / damage proc that procs off of the burst proc. For example I ran an Execute Build for a few days on the Barber, with something like 50% total chance on weapons, and it would proc consistently on Barbers burst, and subsequent successful Lucky Hit rolls on my builds AoE burst.

For your Druid friend, if they wanted to consistently get Resources back on Lucky Hit with the Barber, they would need high Lucky Hit chance, and it would only proc on the Barber burst and any subsequent Lucky Hit rolls on anything that proc’d off the Barbers burst. Ive not played much of Druid, so Im not familiar if they have something like that, but anything with a good AoE and spreading mechanic should have strong potential. They will still lack in single target resource gain from Lucky Hit, due to the time frame of the Barber.

You should never nerf stuff during a season, if something is broken good leave it. It will only be there for a few months anyways.


Barber is almost certainly bugged because it stores, amplifies and releases damage from every source, not just you. It does it for the random people in helltide standing at the edge of your screen.

From their perspective, they see no damage numbers at all. When I first experienced running into someone wearing Barber, I thought I was lagging.

Barber is also disruptive to classes that rely on proc frequency for things like resource gain. This is because the proc effect is backloaded to the explosion and you can run out before then.

I think they can fix this gem for the most part by making it so it only stores, amplifies and releases the wearer’s damage, not every source of damage from literally everyone.