Ban gold trading

Hmm ok, so you want to use RMT to imitate issues such as inherited wealth where the character of one player is given a disadvantage comparatively to the character of another player despite the appearances of a level playing field. I guess that would replicate the system more accurately than I originally foresaw.

I’m mainly playing for the roleplaying aspects of becoming like a cool Wizard or whatever, not really fussed over those things that are seemingly motivating you but I will try to empathise with you as best I can, though I assume you’ve had a very different life to myself to come to those conclusions. The goal IMO is to make each of the activities fun and enjoyable rather than intentionally have boring parts of the game to incentivise an economy that i personally believe only motivates a more select subset of the playerbase.

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So people have to just party up to trade? Which with the current system is likely to be a semi requirement because you won’t be able to see 100% of players on the server anyway. Not sure if you can see their messages or not though.
Are you instead suggesting that you can only trade items that dropped while you were partied with a particular person/people? That would be an incredible amount of stored information that is needed to make that system even remotely effective and would likely be prohibitively expensive in terms of data storage overhead for 0 benefit to Blizzard here.

errrr …not quiet ?

i meant merely the D3 system where you could give the item to the party member that was there at the moment of the drop.
and there was no data storage needed for it, as soon the holder logged out / leave the game the item wouldn’t be tradeable / shareable anymore to the previous party member.

basically the D3 system. (after the auction house was no longer there and when items were account bound , except for this specific case i detailed )

hmm i guess you never played wows newer expansions then. It has this system for a lot of expansions now. I think draenor expansion introduced it.
It makes all items that dropped in a party/raid tradeable for 2 hours with those party members only.

So i would imagine it is not hard to implement that for d4 also.

If there is no data storage needed then the data never existed.
You suggest the data is wiped the moment someone logs out. If we do a little math the numbers get big pretty quick. We can safely assume that there will be more than 1 million players (D3 sold over 15 million copies so I am taking a fraction of that as a conservative estimate for D4) online at least in the early days. Lets assume that a conservative half of those party up and data for who they were partied with on an item is 1 bit. So we are looking at 500,000 bits per item. We don’t know the drop rate of items but lets assume in a given time of 1 hour they get 600 items (10 items a min once again I am thinking this is super conservaitve).
So we have 500,000 bits * 600 items every hour is 300 million bits that will then have to be processed off those items and returned as available storage assuming all players only play for 1 hour.
But wait! we also need to keep a flag to make sure that item is tagged for the other 500,000 players as untradable so there is another 300 million bits of comparison that has to hapen if a trade is attempted, but we then have to do that for the original 300 millon bits etc.
Sure the storage numbers only amount to a few mb an hour but the processing also has to happen and it is overhead that solves nothing in my opinion.
This is also with very very conservative numbers, I feel confident in saying we will likely see a 10x increase in those numbers for anywhere up to a year from launch.

That system is only for Raid items though, not 100% of items. The suggestion in this thread is for 100% of items dropped while in a party which will also have to include 100% of players. It’s not an apples to apples comparison because you are looking at an order of magnitude more storage and processing requirements in WoW vs. D4 with that idea.

People have stopped considering that storage and processing is something that has to be considered because we can just throw more hardware at a problem these days, but that is how you end up with games with stupid high hardware requirements to run, or stop being profitable for a company to host on their servers anymore and get shut down.
I guarantee it is a consideration the devs and/or accountants are making to get as much profit from the game with as little unnesscary overhead as possible.
If we don’t add X to the game we can have 1 more player hosted on our existing architecture vs. having the feature and having to add another shard to the server, type considerations is what this boils down to.

is this trolling ? :confused:

you know that it’s something done in D3 and even some other blizzard game ?

also what does the other players have to do with it ?

it’s basically : Player A and B play together.
Player A find a legendary, which in turn will be “account bound” except for A and B.

as long as player A and B stay in the same party, A can give the legendary to B, as soon as the party is disbanded the legendary won’t be shareable anymore between A and B

i fail to see why you are even talking about bits and data storage for something this simple that blizzard do in multiple game…and even D3 itself, you know , the predecessor of D4 ?

They didn’t do it from the start of any of those games. It was only ever introduced when the playerbase had dropped to the point where it can be implemented. D3 only has an online playerbase of sub 20k currently. WoW has a playerbase of a few million, but for what they have implemented if for it only impacts a few thousand items at any given time (raid population is only about 10% to 20% of their playerbase and with the 2 hour expiry is it more managable).
D4 is looking at a few million players at minimum for launch and you will have a high portion of those likely partying up (you can also have more than 2 people in a party fyi). So these numbers are important and no I am not trolling here.

Literally the entire game is farming and trading… now you wanna ban 99.9% of trading? LOL.

Yall really do want “World of Sanctuary” dont you.

Just play WoW… like seriously. Go play wow thats literally the game youre begging for.

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You can’t make me care about this. Sure gold selling spam is super annoying in chat but aside from having to right click report spammers now and then I just don’t care.

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You can trade in wow, or did you forget that? Maybe you missed the fact the whole game economy is ruined by bots because of trading, or did you miss that too?


Imagine thinking that someone else doing RMT transactions in a game somehow impacts your level of enjoyment or capacity to earn items the way you want to earn them.

“HEY I want them to stop doing stuff I don’t like!!”

Have you anti-capitalist, preaching, twenty something year old folks here tried just minding your own business?

I guess if you did that it wouldn’t give you an opportunity to control other people under the assumed disguise of social justice.

CaPiTaLiSm DuM!!! LeT’S dO AuThoRitArIanIsm!

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Don’t like the rules of capitalism, don’t buy or play the game. Those bits aren’t yours. Read the license. I would say that you are the anti-capitalist because you want the copyright infringement of the RMT and d2jsp(but I repeat myself) to be overlooked and not stopped like it should be. Stop all trade or implement fully anonymous trade to lock out 3rd party transactions. You don’t go to the Chevy dealer and say " here is 2000$ can you go steal that ford mustang from the ford dealership for me".

Games without trade can balance the loot around players having to find items and everything not being in reach from a 3rd party website. That makes the game healthier, imo. Trading involved scamming, botting, and RMT. All things Blizzard is against, supposedly. How does that make it healthier? It doesn’t. Sew it up and if you want it you have to find it. That’s the healthiest way to play. And, like I said, they can adjust drop rate to average player expectations rather than average RMT vendor/spammer expectations.


You cant really trade any gear in WoW… just materials and random crafting materials. Some BoEs but they are generally low quality / get replaced very quickly.

The entire game is ruined by bots because gold is insanely valuable in the game. Also, WoW has a very detailed end game where gear = raid and pvp success. You can use your gold to buy gear from other players. Turn in gold for blizzard $$ etc etc.

Diablo 4 you just do your own thing. Who cares if someone else is buying gear or w.e it doesnt impact you at all. Just find your own gear and upgrades. Its incredibly basic dude.

This tells me you have no idea about the bots out there. There are some invite only ones that are better than honorbuddy ever was.

This game will be ruined by bots because ultra good rolled rares will be insanely valuable in this game. Gold for respecs will also be valuable.

Until you try to PvP and RMT Randy one shots you. Or until you try to make leaderboards for seasonal cosmetics and it is full with RMT Randy who you can never compete with because you do not make as much RL as he does.

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I mean we are going to be playing against people who had better lucks with drops, are more skillful, or just are really good at theory crafting the perfect PvP build. I’m not going to be able to tell the difference between them and people who bought gold with cash.

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Blizzard could always do a wall of shame and ban everyone that takes part in RMT regardless of whether they buy or sell items through RMT. After enough banned accounts and having their accounts publicly shamed enough times the individuals will stop. That is unless you don’t care about having to restart and being shunned by a community if the community has any moral standards.

I think gold should be account bound to prevent RMT, but I also want to be able to trade gold with my friends and clanmates. Wonder if there’s a compromise somehow…

Great idea keep rmt/d2jsp out of our games please they ruin the every game they touch.

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