Azurewrath is such an iconic sword in the Diablo franchise, yet is a terrible unique in D4. I would like to propose to replace the inherent +85.0% Cold Damage with a more unique power giving you immunity to Cold CC effects instead. Then replace +46.5-60.0% Cold Resist with +85.0% Cold Damage. Lastly, add Frost Nova on Lucky Hit…
Here is a more exciting version…
- Unique Sword
- Cannot be Frozen or Chilled
- Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[1,100 - 2,700] Cold Damage
- +[47 - 65] All Stats
- +[8.3 - 10.0]% Attack Speed
- +85.0% Cold Damage
- Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to cast Frost Nova dealing [1,950 - 3,900] damage and Freezing enemies for 3 seconds
She could have more unique powers, like freezing when dealing a certain critical or freezing when causing vulnerable, or causing ice shards when killing frozen enemies. She’s pretty useless now. Even while climbing.
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Great idea and hope Blizzard considers this.
Azurewrath does need to be fixed but the biggest problems come from the “Freeze” effect has Zero effect on Bosses. Your proposed change of On Kill also means it is further worthless on Bosses.
Killing Trash isn’t that much of an issue.
Blizzard needs to globally change how Crowd Control works on Bosses. It should not only count toward Stagger (with diminishing returns) but the Conditional Effects should apply to the Boss.
What does this mean?
This means that if you would have Frozen the Boss for 3 seconds (unmodified by Crowd Control Duration bonuses), the Boss will not be Frozen but the Frozen Debuff will apply. Any damage bonuses that apply once an enemy is Frozen or Crowd Controlled would go into effect along with anything that requires a Frozen target to proc.
On Kill can stay, but it needs to have a secondary effect on Bosses.
What this means is that in your example, Ice Shards would erupt upon killing a Frozen Enemy. For Bosses, this might be Critically Striking a Frozen Enemy could cause a Frozen Shard eruption. With the proposed change, this means during the debuff window, Frozen Shards could proc within the 3 second window for every Critical Strike. To balance this, all Blizzard needs to do is put an ICD on it perhaps that this effect can only occur once every X seconds.
That is true, hope they consider changing.
I agree 100% that this sword needs to be more powerful and useful. I had ideas on this before, along the lines of this:
- Unique Sword
- +85.0% [ x ] Cold Damage [85.0]%
- Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[1,100 - 2,700] Cold Damage
- +[47 - 65] All Stats
- +[8.3 - 10.0]% Attack Speed
- +[46.5 - 60.0]% Cold Resistance
- Lucky Hit: Up to a 20% chance to cast Frost Nova dealing [1,950 - 3,900] damage and Freezing enemies for 3 seconds
Making the bonus a multiplier would make it a powerful contester for any frost builds, and the power would always deal damage, AoE for that matter, and could freeze anything in close proximity. Good defensive attack in large packs, and not lost on the bosses.
Also, leaving the Cold resist in there would keep it with the theme of mastery for all things cold.
Unique Sword
Cannot be Frozen or Chilled.
Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[1,900 - 3,900] Cold Damage and Freeze enemies for 3 seconds.
+[47 - 65] All Stats
+[8.3 - 10.0]% Attack Speed
+Lucky Hit Chance
Damage you would deal is converted to Cold Damage and deal x60% - x80% Cold Damage. When Overpowering a Frozen Enemy, you have a 15% Chance to Execute the enemy.
Widens the appeal of the weapon. Gets your multiplicative damage in. Gets rid of worthless Cold Resist and gives you immunity to Cold CC effects instead.
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I do like the immunity to Cold CC effects.