Authenticator deadline

For accounts that do not have an authenticator linked to them, they can just continue to ignore its existence and nothing will happen correct? The deadline is just for accounts that have an authenticator linked to them from what I understand

Yes it’s only a deadline for those that are using an authenticator.

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My issue with this, is I have three Diablo 3 accounts (I was addicted as hell, I admit it :)), but only a tablet and a cell phone, so… without an an authenticator, there’s a chance I could have an account stolen, used fraudlently and there’s little recourse open, as I’m being forced into having this ‘celluar authenticator’ only on two accounts :frowning:

Not sure about iphone but on android you can add multiple google accounts. You should be able to log into a second authenticator or even a third on only one device.

I use an authenticator on my phone. What did I miss? What deadline?

Also @Vampirekid13, you really should use two factor auth. Its so easy to ripoff a blizz account without one.

Edit: NM I see the pinned post at the top of forums

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yea, i am not gonna use a crap 2f implementation. when they do proper 2f i will consider it. dont need authenticator, how about they email me a code or text me a code, or call me with a code like normal companies that arent ghetto AF.

also, theres no way im gonna have the account stolen. im sure it happens a lot. it wont though. im just not that adventurous online.


Just linked to Steam today because the Android app is busted. Ghetto AF indeed…

i had authenticator related issues a decade ago. never again.
ever since then i’ve been feeling like an authenticator is more problems for the account holder than it is for the bad guys.

Thats your prerogative. I was just suggesting. You don’t really need to be that adventurous online. I knew a guy I sat next to in my computer logics course many eons ago and he got lists of emails just off forums like this. He then was able to reset those emails and steal accounts. Maybe harder now, I don’t know but what that guy was doing was easy af.

What deadline is this? Did I miss an email?

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Im with irres, what deadline

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Look on your phone if you already have the old authenticator it will walk you through it.
To install battlenet. When battlent opens it will prompt you.

If you have battlenet also installed on your phone already. like I did, it may not prompt you but swipe the upper left corner and a menu will slide out and hit the Authenticator option.

The old authenticator app is going away.

My email is on 2F. My acct can be stolen. I had it stolen before, but I can always retrieve it. Funny story, the acct got stolen and I didn’t retrieve it for a year before retrieving it and finding an absurd amount of gold on it. It was awesome, 10/10 would recommend more people steal my account.


Correct. There are risks to not having one, but the changes to the Digital Auth won’t impact you.

This is only for people who have been using the stand alone digital Authenticator App from Blizzard on their devices.

See the pinned post at the top of the forum. They are ending the Digital stand alone Auth app and integrating it into the Battlenet App (logins, chat, etc.).

If you don’t have an Authenticator on your Battlenet Account, or you are still using the physical keyfob one, this does not impact you!

I am happy to help with questions on this if anyone needs anything. Personally I still use my old keychain. I will have to switch some day, but that day is not today.


Well crap. I was holding out entering things manually. I really don’t want to install activision bloatware.

Ha. Pretty funny story.