Aspect of Limitless Rage completely useless because of major misconception

I just bricked an amulet which I paid 25,000,000,000 (25 billion) gold for, by imprinting the aspect of limitless rage on it.

The aspect does not work as described or expected. The description of the aspect says the following:

“Each point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your next core skill within 5 seconds 2% more damage up to 30 % more damage”

The German description does not include the word “next” in “next core skill”, so the German description is misleading and looks at follows:

“Each point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your core skill within 5 seconds 2% more damage up to 30 % more damage”

So I thought “Great, I have two items that generate fury per second and I use Rend with the modification that gives me 4 fury per strike and hit target, up to 20 fury”.

But in reality nothing of that works like described.

First of all, the German description gives no indication that only the NEXT use of core skill gives the damage bonus and you dont get the bonus for 5 seconds for all your uses of core skill. Also if you use your core skill without enemies around you, the damage bonus vanishes immediately.

The “+ X fury per second” affixes on my items do not trigger the damage bonus when at maximum fury. So there seems a non-obvious difference between “fury generation” and “fury regeneration”. The “+ X fury per second” seems to count as fury regeneration and therefore does not trigger the damage bonus. Disappointment by misleading description again. This makes the aspect even more useless.

Now the most absurd part is that when you are at maximum fury and when my core skill rend has the modification to generate 4 fury per strike per hit enemy, the damage bonus does not get triggered. This is because all core skills use fury and when you are at maximum fury and use your core skill, the first thing that happens is that the fury costs get subtracted from your maximum fury with the result that you are not at maximum fury anymore. And only then the core skill hits and generates fury. But because you are not at maximum fury when you generate fury, the core skill will NEVER trigger the damage bonus of the aspect of limitless rage. Another huge mislead and disappointment!

Then I thought I have “fury per kill” also on one of my items. But that does not trigger the damage bonus either when my core skill kills the hit enemies instantly, because again, the use of a core skill first substracts fury so you are never at maximum fury when using a core skill. And when the enemies die instantly from your core skill, you will generate fury for those kills, but since you were not at maximum fury, the damage bonus of the aspect does not get triggered again.

To summarize: The aspect of limitless rage is so limited and misconcepted that it becomes completely useless. The only thing this aspect triggers on players like me is limitless rage about the aspect of limitless rage.

My 25B expensive amulet is now completely useless.

My suggestion is to overwork the aspect so that its description (in German) is no longer misleading and that fury per second, fury per kill and fury per hit all lead to triggering the damage bonus. And it should not be a damage bonus only for your next core skill use within 5 seconds, but for ALL your core skill uses within the next 5 seconds!


How is it “bricked” by imprinting an Aspect? Don’t like the Aspect? IMPRINT ANOTHER.


So… What did u do to the supposedly bricked amulet?

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I still don’t understand how is it bricked. Aspect can be changed at will for a very small price…


He means bricked in that he paid for an item that does not work as he hoped…

I “bricked” my cellphone I was dialing a number and then fatfingered another number.

Maybe “bricked” means something else in German? :hamster: :popcorn:

Imprinting can be done only once

What game are you playing? You can slap a new legendary aspect on an item any time you want. The OP’s amulet is not bricked for that reason.


Nope. Go try it. You can imprint as much as you’d like. I do it every Season to replace an imprint with a better version of the same one. And with the new Codex system, it’s even better in S4.

Glad I could educate you.

But that isn’t the item, that’s the Aspect. As I said… use a different Aspect. The item is fine.

This is funny passive Fury regen does NOT overflow. They all stop generating Fury once the pool reach 100%.

its shocking to still see people thinking that you can imprint items only once to be honest. Even more so, when those people offer “game suggestions”.

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