Aspect leveling idea, nighmare dungeons purpose

Nightmare dungeons seem to need a purpose. Besides dropping more Masterworking materials what if there was the ability to level up Aspects. The idea is each Nightmare dungeon (or even Normal dungeon) could be assigned an aspect category, and upon completing that dungeon 1 random aspect in that category is increase 1 rank in the Codex of Power. This would allow for the ability to actually grind out your max aspects instead of the current system which has the possibility of never getting max rank aspects even after years of playing.

no thanks… it means even more RNG… everybody is sick of grind too much

interesting idea. i’ve seen lots of games with gear leveling, but PTR already addressed this by making ancestral items more available and making the minimum values on ancestral aspects higher. I think i got more max aspects naturally in one week of PTR than I got in all of S6. I only got 1 of the ancestral tributes for Undercity in PTR but in the drop from it I got a 2GA amulet, 2 max aspects and the others had solid aspect values as well :wink: