Ashava Only World Boss?

Will we see Ashava in next weekends early access beta again? Or are there plans to show us one of the other alternates?

He’s the only world boss we know of that will be in the in that zone. That’s all we know. We can make very easy assumptions that there will be MORE world bosses just like him in other zones, but we don’t know how many there will be or where they will be.

But so far we don’t know anything else other than he exists and in beta he spawned in the Act 1 zone.


Ashava spawned in a muddy zone at Blizzcon and was tons of fun.
I don’t know what they have ready for us but I would love something new if possible.

I’d prefer that World Events be item/token driven spawned instead of day/time scheduled events. The loot access is fine, with boss drops on kill, and a weekly “cache” drop allowed.

I wasn’t able to make the spawn events this Early Access, so missed out to see that and experience that this time. If this is just the Beta process for the World Boss, good, but if it is the release plan, please look at options for access, many folks have jobs/school/family. Thanks.

Really hate that we can’t do these world bosses with a full clan group. Huge miss on Blizzard’s part.

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That would be an epic feature they could implement!
We had a few members in our clan that couldn’t join us and it was a bummer.

I was annoyed that all 3 spawns were on day 2. What with the login queue issues on Friday night (2 hours in queue then game crashed after the opening cutscene sending me back into a 3 hour queue) I wasn’t able to hit close to 25 by the time the first 2 spawns happened. I feel like they could have spawned him at least once during the day of day 3. Having the 3rd spawn at 4am EST or whatever it was really lame.

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I think it was intentional, to give players time to put some sort of build together before the boss fight.
We downed the boss every time it spawned and there was only 3 of us at one point.

Google is hard.


If I am not wrong there are 3 World bosses that I know of, but Ashava is the only one they’ll have in the Beta, and there are 2 more world boss spawn areas across the world, unless they’ve added more of them.

Forum conversations aren’t…

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If the point was to give players time, wouldn’t having him spawn on day 3 have been better? Not in the middle of day 2 - especially since Saturday was the first day a lot of people actually COULD play.

I’m just saying it seems like they limited access to people seeing or completing the fight for no good reason I can see.

I think they should have 6 per day every day of the beta, spaced evenly throughout the day.

That would be one every 4 hours, which I this is rare enough that players will make an effort to join, but frequent enough that most players should be able to find at least a few that fit their schedule.

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i think i remembered reading somewhere because of the complaints of 2 spawn times were not enough, blizzard decided to increase the spawns for this this weekends beta. to 3 or 4 times if i remember reading correctly.

Is this posted somewhere? Additional spawn times is great, but if people don’t know when it’s happening they won’t join.

I think they were using twitter? Can anyone link or confirm?
I dont use twitter so I receive this info vicariously.

Yes. It is pinned in the Beta Patch notes at the top of the forum, also on Twitter.

Fixed an issue with Ashava’s spawn timer. She will now spawn on Saturday March 25th at 10:00am / 12:00pm / 10:00pm PDT and Sunday March 26th at 12:00am PDT.