Are queue times getting shorter for others now?

I hope everyone gets to enjoy at least what I’ve got to experience. I can say, without any spoilers, that I’m pleased on several fronts.

Yeah then it stays on Queued for ever. :frowning:


And, I’m in again. 4th time today I’ve been able to get in. I live in the US, Eastern time zone

My last queue started at only 20 mins. got an error and now it just started for 11 mins

What platform are you on? Were you ever disconnected or crashed?

i’m on ps5. i was disconnected about 3 or 4 times now. queue times do look like they are getting shorter for me.

I’m on PS5. I’ve crashed 3 times. Each time I come back, the queue gets shorter. I’m currently back in the game now

Thanks! I’m on PS5 and got a few hours in this morning but have been stuck in perpetual queue for 7-8 hours now.

my first que was for an hour in a half, my second over two hours and my third now is only 20 mins

I’m on SeriesX, got to play for a half-hour when the beta first opened before the game crashed just as I’d gotten to the Icehowl dungeon; haven’t been able to get back in all day. Later attempts at login, the times were consistently 2+ hours, only to get stuck at a second, unspecified “queued…” screen

Just now and my previous attempt, the queue for login time has been 10 min, but last time it got stuck at the second screen again. I’m at 5 min left of my most recent attempt, will report back

I have about 20 times

Got to play 25 minutes right at the release and crashed out then i have been stuck in a 10 hour que. I took the day off just to play and im still not mad but think blizzard should extend beta the wolf backpack is important to me. Im going to delete all saved files and re-download beta wish me luck and ill let you guys know how it goes hopefully its the solution!

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Yeah restart didnt work. Had a 17 minute queue. Showed connecting to services afterwards and than put me back in the second infinite queue again…ps5 here

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Second 10 min wait was a bust. After 8 minutes in the infinite queue, I started again with a login time now down to 4 minutes—but still its that second queue that’s the issue

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Shorter queues don’t mean anything for me. I am trying to get past the first dungeon and get disconnected and always sent back to town to restart. My whole gameplay has been fighting a bear and then some skeletons and repeating.


Same for me. Initial queue is shorter but timeless queue is still infinite on PS5.

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Can confirm. queue times are shorter now, about 15 - 20 minutes, but I have been kicked as soon as I get in, twice now.

Have had none since like 1est

I have only gotten in once right when it opened up. 5 min tops. Been in qeue for 11 hours… I keep getting stuck at “Qeued”

Initial queue was 127 minutes, connected and got sent back to queue for 45 minutes just for linking my account. Finally got in, got to level 7, then got kicked… queue posted as 33 minutes. Not terrible, but could be better.