Are Desecrators bugged?

Desecrators are BY FAR the most dangerous enemy in the infernal hordes. 15 Hellborne at the same time? No problem. Final boss without using a potion or trying to dodge damage? no problem.

Desecrator? One-shot. On top of that their fire/poison ring (why does fire cause poison) does like 150,000+ damage. By far the most powerful poison effect in the game.


These are 100% bugged or overtuned, I am constantly being 1 shot by them on t6 compass. Found a post on here from PTR saying the same thing but apparently blizz didn’t read the feedback.

I literally made this post this afternoon lol


Also one tapped by desecrator aether fiend in t6 on a build that otherwise never lost half its barrier.


Yep, it’s so incredibly frustrating.
I just came back from a break since Season 1, and I was so delighted at how fun everything was now. I genuinely enjoyed doing Infernal Hordes. That is, until you get to Tier 6, and you notice just how often you die from this stupid mob. I would avoid it for my sanity, but how can I when it’s the only way to obtain a lot of materials fast? Not to mention the Stygian Stones in T6+.
And same, I have ~40K HP, overcapped resistances, damage resistances, etc. Not even Uber Lilith one shots me, but for some reason this guy does. I really hope it gets nerfed.

The skelly ballista is also pretty dangerous


Yeah, this is the most frustrating thing I’m dealing with this season, love the infernal horde, but I can tank the burning butcher for like 5 minutes without issue and getting constantly one shot at a distance by these desecrators is incredibly frustrating.


Yeah, they’re not too bad so long as you evade through the one-shot and snipe them, but they’re definitely monstrous compared to everything else in the Infernal Hordes. :grimacing:

Has this issue been acknowledged?
Going on Wave 7+ etc and suddenly a Desecrator just 1shots you just kills the run and makes people want to quit.


This needs to be addressed asap. I don’t understand how there can be a ton of threads on this issue and the devs are all wearing blind folds. They’ve done this every season so far, they pick one thing to make incredibly frustrating then go “Idk why everyone’s mad and not playing our game.” meanwhile there’s 100 threads explaining why. I’ve never ragequit a game so fast before after trying to do a T6 solo.


i just did a t6 run and die 3 time to this same desecrator, i get one shotted suddenly in middle of fight. his close range slam and the one of the slam generate 3 projectile,i even get one shotted by just 1 projectile.

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They are 100% bugged. It makes no sense this random enemy is 100X stronger than anything in the whole event, including the butcher

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It’s hard to worry about a trash fire when the building it’s in is burning down. :smile:

Hopefully they will fix this soon. They have a lot of big fires to put out right now like mass duping and a broken gauntlet system.

Not sure think they might of misplaced a decimal point in figuring their damage. But pits kind of the same thing. Bosses get like 10 times more hp than trash for some odd reason. Sad can clear a 200 pit in 2 minutes but can not beat a boss over 130 or so because of the flat too much hp problem,

Yeah its annoying. 83k hp, 36,8 DR, capped armor/res and 83k shield and fortified still one shot in IH7.
It definitely is bugged.

they do hit harder than one would expect yea. my rogue can survive them, but thats just due to my lucky double crit Tyraels on damage reduction.

Whenever i see them spawning i kite the hell out of them. The tormentor on the other hand is absolutely easy.

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Yeah, this feels like the dead giveaway. One of the two enemies that pops up to start the event or that spawns from the “orcish pools” as I affectionately refer to them, is a total pushover, while the other is as scary as any boss in the game. I’d be rather happily farming a tier higher if not for that dude. :joy:

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yea lol. took me a bit to get to t6/7 because i thought i was way too weak. well. figured i just was lucky enough to always meet the desecrator on the start, and went back to t5 thinking yea, thats way above my league right now xD

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Wow they didn’t fix it with the new patch. Blizzard, maybe this will get your attention:


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only 36dr? i have that alone from 1 item