Anyone losing gold in S4?

Ask your eternal character to wire your seasonal some walking around money to spend at the Blacksmith.

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I’m planning on it but wanted to see if anyone had been experiencing something similar, also wanted to catch it in the act on a clip just to have some concrete proof

@Madak, seems like there’s lots of buggy things.

@HILIO, the most funny bug i’ve seen is where if you have 2 character types in the same party and TP after dungeon, one of the characters looks will get mailed to the other character. so e.g. in boss runs, the unique and legendaries appear in the other characters pending stash. Whoops!

Have you done any tempering on your gear?

Wow that is funny. Is it just a visual bug?

I mean if by visual you mean there is nothing in my stash or on the ground after I TP, and the other player has two uniques in their stash…then yes, it’s a visual bug of the worst kind!

Yes but I haven’t paid for any re-rolls, only in mats

Yeah gold feels very scarce now. starting to run out of gold a lot.

Added an edit to the thread but will also post here:

I found someone in bug reports describing the same issue, and also mentioned it was happening in T2 and hasnt happened to them yet in T3. I started in T2 and switched over to T3 at lvl 46 this morning, I have yet to catch it happening again so its possible this bug could be linked to T2?

OMG that is horrible

I would need a much bigger vault

Potion upgrades seem more expensive than before. I’m level 80 and definitely finding myself bottlenecked by gold this season. Maybe they’re expecting us to sell all the rares, since they only get 2 affixes now.

Had same issue on Series X, i just finished hell tide boss, ran out of space for gear, noticed i had 3M gold, fast traveled to town to salvage unwanted gear, noticed i only had 1.5M gold. I bought nothing, upgraded nothing. Only traveled from hell tide to town and lost half of my gold.

Potion upgrades, tempering, and imprinting can add up. I assume you’ve been doing a little of these while leveling. I’ve easily gone from a few mill down to 500k just randomly doing stuff. Last potion upgrade set me back a ways.

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I logged out with just over 6 million gold a couple hours ago, and logged to 4 million 800 thousand just now. I didnt accidently spend it, i had it happen to a few hundred k in t2, im in t3 now so it does happen in t3 also

I will add my anecdote that I had 2million seem to mysteriously disappear on me this morning. I assumed I just did some crafting I didn’t appreciate the cost of, but now I’m not so sure. Am going to start paying closer attention and will report back if I see a pattern.

Gold is hard to come by this early, and im saving for t4 gear upgrades, so im a little irratated, i would like to demand it back, but you know how that will go…

It is happening to me also, im sure there is a bug hence i searched this up. I noticed gold lost after aspect imprint. The imprint only cost me 235k, but suddenly seems i have lost over 2m - this happened twice to me.

I’ve been noticing the same thing. Last night I had 19 million gold worked in a helltide and ported to town and only had 1.9 million gold. Hadn’t spent, hadn’t done anything. And it’s not the first time I felt like the same has happened but I had chalked it up to just not remembering where I was.

And I thought I was going insane. Happened to me too. Had around 15 mio gold, went imprinting (costs around 300k) and a few minutes later i wondered why i dropped to about 4 mio gold…