Anyone do a WT4 world boss?

The few I tried WT3, WT4 I was the only one there. Could barely scratch it solo. Solo on live was never an issue as it scaled based on number of players.

I did a T4 boss, took a couple minutes but was able to kill him. I think there was 1 other person there but I was doing most the damage (blood wave necro).

its not supposed to be soloable… its a world boss.

That we’re you wrong.

Ashava was killed solo by a Diablo hardcore player at the beta only at lvl 25.

If you do enough damage, everything can be killed.

Soloed a couple times. Took 90 seconds

beta was 2 years ago… wake up…

Yeah and WB was nuked in only 1 sec after the beta. Remember when Barbarian HotA nuke?

WB take far less damage now since they’re now everytime with the resilient buff.

Beta was 1 years and half ago yeah, but trust me if i must nuke by myself a WB, i will nuke him. I don’t want spend 15 minutes to kill a Boss with 90% chance to receive no ancestral loot each kill.

Hordes and Helltides / Witch Tides are clearly better for this.

I tried WB in T1 once right after hitting 60, only me there, i gave up after about 5 min and only about 5-10% of health taken. Feels appropriate

Tried again in t4 on day 3 with a real build. To my pleasant surprise there were 4 other players there and they were all on different classes! With me on BL Sorc, plus a Necro, Barb, Druid, and SB, we killed it in about 2-3 min. This also feels about right.