Another free cosmetic

I would so love a flaming sword cosmetic to do a long quest line, like the old paladin quest from everquest 1 (soulfire or ghoulsbane or … ugh i cant remember… it was a 2hander sword that had flame effects)… Or some lightling bolts effects on a sword… would be very fun

Can we please get a “beauty in sin” barb cosmetic already xD

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only after druids get it!

Hey, it’s a rogue thing! Thx :slight_smile:

Brave actually lets you click other tabs at the tab whether in focus or not and mute the content in the tab. It is a pretty nice feature if you listen to youtube music in the background while you surf.

Chrome has the same icon but you can’t click on it.

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Another free cosmetic

Thank you for helping the community by keeping us informed. :+1:
Many people just use the forum to complain about one thing or another.


Thanks man appreciate it.

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Oh I complain sometimes too but not as much as my cat. :smile_cat:

Thank you!
10 characters

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Doesn’t that mean you already have acquired them from the original give away where they were handed out?

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Nice, thanks!

This was the one i was missing from that set

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ROFL. I might actually level a drood and buy that if they released it just for the lolz

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That is correct. i already acquired them but didn’t notice. i’m very dumb :slight_smile:

I managed to get ll the twitch drops but i guess its nice. That i did all that work for them to give it away. Is nothing rare anymore. Well atleast i got every cosmetic.

What work does watching a Twitch stream involve? I thought you could just turn it on and mute the tab or go do something else, like nap.

That does not sound very taxing or “work” like.

I don’t personally have my Bnet account linked to anything so don’t do Twitch drops, but it does not seem back-breakingly difficult or anything.

I am talkin about the work to keep up with fomo. I put in the effort to earn a rare item. And blizzard makes it not rare a month later. Why do i even bother?

And you just displayed how much work it takes. You couldnt link your b net account. Or put in the time or effort to earn it when it was available. Just seems cheap and unearned. But congrats i guess if you legit lost out on it. Just sucks for me. I got every cosmetic and now so does everyone else.

What do you mean?? I had to click on the shop and then hit the claim button. I am tired. :rofl:

(I’m just messing with you)


Ummm…that’s kinda gross😂

I would make a Druid just to have them wear it. The pinnacle of fashion at every World Boss event! Lol

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