And STILL NO hotfix for Rapid fire build

Gotta give them some time. There are other bugs as well. I am disappointed with the issue too, but I have to be patient. If it is still like this by next Tuesday, then yeah…

Remember… their largest streamer plays barb. Of course everything with barb is of immediate concern


could it be they fixed something? got the feeling it works better now.

Are you sure ? Im off-line now to test

check it out and report

No, it doesn’t, nothing changed.

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The last hope was broken in 2 minutes XD

Sigh this is so typical
We are looking into it , wtf does that mean ?

Hotfix is coming today.

Source of that news?

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About the hotfix, was HS buffed too???

No reason to celebrate, Rapid Fire stopped granting Dark Shroud in exchange, making sure to keep the build unplayable.

HS builds, not really. But if you used Heartseeker in a Rapid Fire build and used Fundamental Heartseeker as your basic skill, then yea it should perform better at bosses.

I’ll have to check myself. Is there a video.

No, I just tried first hand, 20 minutes of shooting RFs with guaranteed crit and not gaining a single shroud stack. Could be me I guess, but it is a clearly observable change.

mmm, I think I have the patch and umbrous and RF is working for me.

maybe try to re-equip the item or something cause it works for me

On console RF feels even worse than it did!

Thats true.
Game is 100% facing commercial stuff - they do not pay attention for balance.

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