AMD Drivers Crashing - 23.5.1 - 6800XT

Hi everyone,

I updated my GPU for the release of Diablo 4. Now I am unable to play because of driver crashes.

AMD’s bug reporting tool has listed the code:

CCA5BB24-A0E2-4ACF-B53E-C8DBF530BE60 as an error.

PC Specs
GPU Driver: 23.5.1 - I just checked and will update to 23.5.2 after this post. I’ll edit feedback after.

PSU: 850W
CPU: Ryzen 7 3700X
GPU: 6800XT, Asrock
RAM: 32 GB
Monitor: 1440p, DPI cable

I’m debating going through a fresh windows install and reinstalling drivers. Currently these drivers crash immediately loading into Kyovashad. I’ve tried dropping the textures down to medium. I guess I can through not using the high quality texture pack.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: I may have found a solution. The game feels stable now.

I experienced like 8 crashes before I came down on something stable. Here’s what helped I think? I can start re introducing settings once I can play without a crash.

  1. Uninstall high res texture pack. On 1440p, this didn’t really change the appearance too much.
  2. Turn off all Radeon settings. Press alt+R, and turn everything off. Even the settings in the advanced options.
  3. Turn off Fidelity super resolution in game. Just use the default settings.

Let me know if this helped you at all. Hopefully Blizzard and AMD can get this sorted out, because I upgraded my entire rig for this game. It looked so good when I had everything turned on ultra with high resolution textures.

EDIT (2): The game continues to crash. I’m not sure I understand how to troubleshoot

7A26F603-1DFF-42C0-BE0D-331A0FFCC53E - I received this after disabling DOCP


I reinstalled my old 5700XT. No crashes. I’m going to take this 6800XT back to microcenter. I’m not sure what the issue could be…


Im use 6800xt too, Im getting crash more frequent too after update the game.

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After the update, now it appears I can’t even get into the character selection screen to play.

What solutions have you attempted?

same problem… i tried too install on SSD instead NVMe. i have a 6800XT

I have tried every solution I have found on forums,
None work. I suspect problem is from the new update on diablo 4 conflict with current AMD driver.
We might have to wait until Blizzard or AMD notice this problem and update.


Had Same problem 18 Hours ago, even after the driver update 23.5.2. i modify install and un-ticked Hi Res option, set in game setting to high. logging in wasn’t the issue after that , just in in-game load times for teleports or Dungeons entrances was longer then normal.

Maybe-- (I did read on the net that US AT telecom was having backbone issue. Some people reporting up to 2000ms. ).

Still things improved about 8 hours ago and the 2 hours ago it went back to crap load times.

So you’re saying that it’s best to untick the high resolution texture pack?

Well Spoke too soon , tried getting back on and it went pear shape, unable to get passed the character screen with no character and and no buttons are locked up… Wipe out out driver to way earlier release and currently r uninstalled game and reinstalling. on base game graphics, 46gigs will take awhile something is wrong on blizzards end can’t get past 5MB/s download.

I’m using Asrock Phantom Gaming 6800XT on 23.5.2, i have been getting constant crashes (like during the first open beta in March 2023) every 15-30 minutes at act 5. I tried High / Mid / Low settings already, still the same.

The first day of the early access was very good, i only had 2 crashes on 12+ hours of game play. This problem probably started when Blizzard put in a new patch yesterday, this sucks and now regretting purchasing an AMD gpu.

It’s not your GPU that is the problem. It’s the code of Diablo IV that is the problem.

I have a Sapphire Nitro+ Radeon 6950XT and the game crashes on me every single time I try to play it. Sometimes its after 10 minutes, sometimes it’s within 2 minutes.

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Same here! My game ran great until the update they pushed out.

Same Problem here

Did a fresh Win11 install.

23.5.2 die not get better.
Game freezes after 1 min or 1 hour and only thing that helps is doing a Hard Reset. PC is not responding after i get the freeze.

I did all driver Updates.

Is there a fix yet?

6800xt, 5800x3d win 11


Sadly no. My last attempt will be changing the install location to my PCIEx3.0 NVME SSD that has windows 10 OS. I don’t know what else to do after that

I also have the exact same issue. 6800XT, 5800X, Windows 10. The game will completely freeze, but audio will keep playing, and sometimes background application audio will continue working for a while as well (discord, twitch streams, whatever). I can’t force kill the game process because all input is completely frozen, and the only recourse is to do a hard system reset.

The most frustrating part of this is how hard it is to troubleshoot. It seems completely random when the freeze occurs. Sometimes it can be after only a few minutes in game, sometimes an hour or two, or somethings it will take all day. I tried looking at thermals to see if that might be related, but there doesn’t seem to be any correlation.

I’m going to try to turn off Smart Access Memory (Resizeable Bar in some motherboard BIOS settings) and see if that helps.

Edit: Turning off Smart Access Memory did not fix it. I’m out of ideas. Honestly, it’s a testament to how fun the game is that I’ve been willing to put up with the game crashing and locking up my PC every 1-4 hours, but I’m not sure how much longer that’s going to last at this rate…

It’s not your Systems, Gentlemen. It’s Blizzard’s Code. Plain and simple.


Can you open windows Event Viewer (executable is eventvwr.msc). On System tab, you will have critical faults logged in red. Share what you have there. There could be some errors about GPU resetting/not responding. This could have caused your screen to not respond while music was playing, meaning Windows was still working.
Cause of errors like this is for example problem with hardware (PSU, GPU, cabling), or graphics drivers.

If that’s were the case, I and everyone else would not be able to play too. I use 6800 XT.

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hey im using a 5700XT and i got like 12 crashes in the last 48h ive been playing the game, i dont really know if its the drivers or my whole computer but bro this is driving me insane bc after playing the game for like 6 hours or so (with crashes in between) i was also having like 2 blue screens for no reason aparently. My PC was perfectly fine before i started playing the game few days ago but idk maybe i will send it to any IT to check if its my rig or the drivers or de game itself. If anyone know how to stabilize the game or have less crashes pls reply thank you

No crashes here since launch, but playing on texture with High or Ulta is brutal on my 6800 XT’s 16 GBs of memory. Small freezes every few minutes, I can see that it’s running out of memory.

On the latest driver as well, not sure why you guys are having trouble. The only settings I have on in Adrenaline is Enhanced Sync and Anti-Lag.


Same for me. Zero crashes or problems, BSODs or shutdowns since beta. Many hours played.
My 6800 XT is also stuttering with High Rez textures, so I uninstalled this package, it’s taking too much VRAM, apparently even 16GB is not enough for this game :slight_smile:

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