All my friends quit

people celebrating because the game is boring for a majority of players kinda proves diablo was always destined to fail because it’s main audience is insufferable.


Ditto, but i quit at 48… been about 2 weeks since i logged in last, just can’t be bothered sadly this is the first time i ever got bored during a first run through of a Diablo game.


The quote below is from the first post.

The title of the thread iincludes the word “friends”. That is plural, meaning more thsn one.

Now in response, this is posted:

Clearly, the OP had more than a single person om their friends lists.


S1 is the indicator for player activity. S2 is the indicator for what is to come.

Barbarian is tough to play this season due to the nerfs, the elites packs with freeze are truly a painful bunch of elites to fight against especially if they have vampiric too.

95% of our clan quit, we hit 150 members within a few days of early access - now we’re lucky if we get more than 4 - 5 people online at any single time.


Imagine not having fun, voicing it.

Then a bunch of people come along to degrade you.


Dude makes a post detailing how his friends quit, and the insults come flying instantly. Rofl. What an effective method people have chosen for defending the game.


on the otherside of the coin - I won’t support this game with another cent (they got my initial money based on previous versions of Diablo) I will take up space and bandwidth, but won’t pay for anything until they improve the game and if it dies while i’m playing then i’ll move on.
Maybe someday a Marvel Heroes game will be revamped and released and then who cares about diablo…


Sure and when a meteorite hits the earth you will care too. But won’t gonna happen. As much as you want.

If this game was super fun and exciting to play, no kidding, I’d probably buy some cool armors and all. They completely missed the mark on this game…

It’s pathetic. Look at the sad state of affairs, it’s like an “us vs them”, but what these people fail to realize is that it is really all players vs the company. Not sure why some of these posters flood us with toxic-positivity.

I know for sure that if I enjoy a game, I don’t have to tell people on a forum that it’s fun. I might make suggestions on the forum infrequently on small changes I’d like to see to make it even better… but this is a dumpster fire. It needs MAJOR changes.


The most interesting thing is that these white knights are incredibly aggressive. :thinking:


Sadly, this has been the natural state of all things blizzard lately. I use to be a HUGE blizzard fan upto about 8 years ago, then i notice a markedly turn of pushing out games not ready or games just really really bad … (last 3 WoW expacs , last 2 Diablos (can probably say last 3 diablos, as 3 wasn’t near as good as 2).


If they don’t get rid of the renown thing I’m out til they announce an expansion.

Blizzard end game for all it’s titles.

I was ready to drop money on a battle pass until the 1.1 patch. Now idk if I will open the game again this year.

My entire friend list is either on remnant 2 or gone back to other games. Some are even on d3. I see a lot on PoE as well. Must have been some hype.


Yeah until they see Hillock and alt+F4

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Do not give up, Barbarian player here too +1

Season 1 is tough for Barbarian and Sorcerer players. The other 3 classes have better build for higher DPS this season but just enjoy playing D4 as a challenge.

Making a Joke doesn’t make me an a hole.

Do you feel “empowered” because you can make assumptions and throw out names just because you feel offended?

And don’t claim you aren’t

Cause you’re clearly offended or you wouldn’t have bothered with that response.