About the Barbarian Passives

The announced nerfs on Barb’s major passives are ridiculous!
Walking Arsenal is nerfed. What??? Who is even using it? I tried it briefly in S4 and then gave up. The skill’s mechanic is quite annoying. I don’t know about others, but I am lazy. I do not enjoy switching among 3 different skills constantly. Okay, now there is zero reason to go for this passive. Nice!

Unconstrained is nerfed. So I get 25%x damage increase if I am berserking. This major passive only gives me 10% extra??? Why is this reasonable? If I have a double swing build or one of those grasshopper (leap) builds, I do not care the prolonged berserking period. All I care is the damage increase.

Unbridled Rage is nerfed. Why would you spend 100% more resource to only gain 45% increased damage? Why? Shouldn’t the resource cost be reduced as well?

I do not even want to touch the topic on Gushing Wound.

I said before that the HotA nerf was an overkill. It proved to be. How many barbs are HotA barbs in S4? This time, it is another overkill.
BLZ, you just don’t understand that you could do things gradually, do you?


They don’t understand their own game, so they have to nerf things no one uses in case people start using them and figure out a new way to be too powerful. They would of course have a better grasp on this if they knew what they were doing.

The Rule of :cool: turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS) - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)