A casuals (or semi-casuals) journey to 100

I dont agree, Diablo 4 is a permanent online game, scalling enables players from different levels to fight along side and participate in events on Open World.

You still here, you still bought the game, have fun.

Rofl… 1.09 was the best.

Hopefully D4 moves closer to that direction

Of course. Forums is end game. I win.

You didnt win. Blizzard won, you spent the 70 dollars haha

to be honest i dont believe blizzard right now have the talen and knowledge too make it

because just before d4 release the dev team look so pump up and look over the top and believe to them self a bit to much arm cross , just looking that back them my eye :roll_eyes: . this just expose today how so far out they are 80% to 90% of the player base are disappointing and the game end with a low score

h ttps://ibb.co/1vPmJm8

too understand what make this game successful . you need to have play and experience is prime era or be a original dev , what the dev make today dont have much to do with diablo core gameplay . diablo is more that only kill demon . and all the lore and story line is nice but is not what defined the franchise and make it successful in d1 and d2 .

I played early access and completed campaign over that weekend. Yeah I suppose I could get more game time in there since but I gained and spent all the hundreds of hours of my gaming time playing other games. Plus Blizzard didnt get any of the money I spent ($600) for other games I support. D4 forum access is pretty neat I suppose. I win.

And to be fair I consider D4 worth the playthrough, I just don’t see how it’s worth doing again.

The story was good, but instead of it being integrated into the world around you, you just got forced to do it in a one and done experience, so now we’ll never see that content again and it’s just wasted content for the future.

The combat is fun, for awhile into the early end-game things felt really enjoyable for a time, but that wore out quickly and nothing took it’s place.


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thanks for sharing your opinion.

for me the fun started at lvl 70 to 100, finally some grind (even tho to easy). Loot is everywhere and over your ears (to much). I get little attachment to my characters as a result as its so easy to reach maxed out character. I wish 1-100 was a few months worth of grind - that would be a great journey! I dont want “insta gradification weekend loot-pinatas”, which this game is unfortinatly. I find myself re-grinding 70-100 on new characters, then deleting them and redoing it. Gearing up that part and doing the paragon and levels is the fun part.

Plot twist. When you get the unique … it’s trash and you vendor it. :smiley:

any one level 60+ is not casual

I’m 93 myself, as rogue I get uniques that I can use for my build.

I think the issue is really the loot table for certain classes that rely on uniques too much such as barb, druid, sorc

Necro and rogue surprisingly doesn’t rely too much on too many uniques, you always have some workarounds.

former AAA company*

No AAA company would of killed OW like they did.


This is not the Blizzard of old.