6 Vasily's, 0 Tempest Roar

This isn’t fun. Not sure what the intent is with this, but with so many builds reliant upon this helm and no way to trade for it, or specifically target farm it… I don’t know. It’s just not at all fun.


i’m starting my farming for it as well.
I’m only 62 in WT3, so not sure if it’s a WT4 unique, but last time i found it was early WT4 farming.
I’m also noticing RNG for sigil drops seems to be in batches. On eternal i was getting numerous cultist refuge (dungeon i found my TR in) and on my season 1 character i’m getting a different batch of sigils with no sight of a cultist refuge.

It sound strange but i feel the same RNG process is copied from D3 gambling where i had to make multiple monks to get a better chance because my main was locked into multiple duplicates of a certain item no matter how many attempts i was making.

For now, dropping it fully depends on Pseudo-RNG & how “lucky” you are;
Some users report them dropping like candy, while others are unable to ever get one to drop.

The good news is - in the last Campfire Chat the issue was acknowledged & the Developers stated that a solution was in the pipeline for Season 2!
Reference Clip:
clips.twitch .tv/MoralKitschyAlfalfaSSSsss-R1LlWTwOkiXgkqT8

I don’t play that class but i understand the feeling. First unique dropped this season at level 53 and it’s one that gives me a free aoe stun if i put points into the wrong skills and play at a huge disadvantage. All of the uniques should be useful.

I love not getting what I want.

Oh wait, that’s life in a nutshell.

That dungeon isn’t part of this cycle of NMD’s. If you wanna farm there, it’ll have to be as a regular dungeon.

Sounds like your luck is based on what seed you get when your character is created.

Fun fact: When it comes to computers there’s no such thing as true random


there is a NMD cycle? Is the list posted somewhere?

and thanks for the heads up. it was frustrating to not see it when crafting sigils. Will have to find what dungeon is the new ‘better drop chance’ for farming the TR

Yeah, I’ve been hunting it too and I’ve gotten 3 mad wolf’s, 1 vasily’s, and 3 insatiable fury. I got these FROM cultists refuge too, which is supposed to be ‘more likely’ for a tempest.

I don’t even want to do an earth/bear build but I feel like I have to to make use of this crap that dropped for me even though I have little interest in it.

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i’ve gotten 3 vasily’s and 3 mad wolf sofar. I’m wearing the mad wolf so i can use the werewolf glyph and for the +3 levels when i get the TR. I think Tornado hit level 18 on eternal but i think it caps at 20 if the (xx%) is an indication

Bad luck man… got 2 tempest and 1 vasily…lvl 74 last drop of tempest. Being able to play tornado druid ashouldn’t be locked behind an item. Bad desing

3 Vaslily’s, 1 Tempest Roar, lvl 78 druid.

On the eternal server I got my TR at lv 88 after 7 Vasily and 5 fury (no mad wolf). My second TR dropped at lv 100 and I never got any other after that.

On seasonal I have now 2 crones, 1 Vasily, 1 mad wolf, 1 fury at lv 72

I’ve seen a player in hell tide having TR at lvl 62

Loots can feel really unfair, especially when 1 item locks more than half the endgame builds…

Sorry for the late reply. I don’t know how good their tier list is, but they have a list.

I was 14 and 0 in preseason by the time i got to level 100 and beat level 80+ NMDs lol.

i hit 100 on season 0, never got tempest roar.
my friend…got 3 by 80~

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Then find a different game that is more your speed.

I know you’re just being flippantly toxic, but you’re actually not wrong. I play PoE much more than any of the Diablo’s these days, but have played the genre since the very first Diablo demo appeared. I know what rarity and randomness is all about. This is a different animal - it’s simply a badly constructed loot system.

The game has locked off any meaningful trade in the first ever persistent world ARPG. Let that sink in for moment - they created a persistent multiplayer world, and then prevented chat and trade. That’s an astounding level of contradiction and missed opportunity. On top of all that, they have kept drops at a similar rate to games that have full and open trade.

This is in a game where items gatekeep builds and playstyles.

I’m actually not sure if I can be bothered to smash my head against that particular wall of inanity for a company whose design abilities I lost trust in many years ago, especially when a much better alternative already exists. So yes, your solution may be the only one.

On another topic, I just want to thank all the others who responded here. I fully expected to be flamed, and have been met only with totally unexpected bro gamer vibes.


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578 Eyes In The Dark 0 Temerity :pleading_face:

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TR is a WT4 unique…