3060 ti precautions


With all the drama surrounding Gigabyte 3080 cards and their “bricking” due to hardware issues, I don’t know much about computer specifics & I want to make sure I’m playing d4 safely.

I have a Gigabyte 3060 ti. When I started playing for about a couple hours the other day the game was running fine visually (don’t know the fps), however my system was running noticeably louder. I’m assuming this was coil whine or more active fans. I checked the temp of the GPU (fluctuating between 47-52) which is within normal limits, however I don’t know how to check CPU temp.

I am a more paranoid/anxious person and I am wondering if it’s safe to just continue as is, knowing the issues with gigabyte cards, or if I should set FPS limits (if that will do anything).

I know if something is wrong with my card it will tank anyways and it’s not d4’s fault. Like I said I have anxiety about it. Any help or advice or just telling me I’m worrying about nothing will help.

Your basic Task Manager is able to tell you what your CPU temp is.

Can you recall any patterns of when it would get loud?

You should absolutely cap FPS. There’s a current issue that they are looking into and if you are experiencing that one specifically, you should set it to 60 and work your way up from there.

[Main Thread] Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023 - Technical Support - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Thank you for the fast response, I appreciate it.

Should I cap the fps in-game through the settings or through the Nvidia control panel?

You should do both honestly.

Gotcha, thank you for the help!

No problem. It’s only a bandaid to the problem, but hopefully it helps until they are able to fix it.

I completely understand all your paranoia because I am exactly like that. I use a Gigabyte 2060 and even though the series 2 wasn’t reported to be among the affected GPUs, I was still extremely concerned to play the game, so I took all measures I could do.

Complementing what Woodenigloo said:

  • There are two handy programs I use to monitor temperatures: MSI Afterburner and SpeedFan. They can both be used to tweak the speed of your GPU fans and check other information (such as fan speed, voltage and CPU / GPU percentage usage). There is also an overlay option for Afterburner which allows you to see in-real time while gaming. Just make sure to download the program from the official website because there are some third party sites with malicious links.

  • Much like Wooden suggested, I limited my FPS to 60 both in-game AND in the NVIDIA Control Panel. That way it forces certain features to always be rendered at the 60 FPS cap. Also, forcing V-Sync on the NVIDIA Control Panel also helps.

  • Another thing I did was to tweak in-game settings. One of them, which can be found in Graphics > Performance, was to disable the “NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency”, which when enable has been reportedly cause high temperatures when talking to vendor NPCs and when checking your inventory. I did that and while my temperatures still go in the ~70C, it’s not as absurd as before in the +80C.

I’ve been able to play at comfortable 50C ~ 65C and 45% ~ 70% GPU usage all the time with Medium-High settings for extended periods of time (except when interacting with certain UI elements such as the inventory screen and vendors I mentioned above).

I hope this helps, and good luck!

Same place as you guys, got a new machine and I am concerned.

Nice suggestions, I haven’t tried the third one yet but I will now. Another thing that worked a bit better for me (less crashes due to system protective measures because of high temp) was to limit to the least possible the power consumption plan, especially when charging (if laptop). As I am capped at 60 FPS, the low power plan still manages to provide the GPU enough power to work at that and be ok at Mid setting.

Hope they fix this soon… [Main Thread] Game Freezes/Crashes GPU fans screaming when opening specific UI Elements - June 2023 - #53 by Kershew

I wanted to put this out there as well. I put together an overview of how mine is setup. Its not as great as I would have liked to have done it, my newer system here isn’t fully setup to do videos yet, but still.

Be aware, some audio issues, and had to work around my recording software I was trying to use for this. Ugh.

Questions, feel free to ask.

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