3 days to go for plebs like me

Only 3 more days until plebs like me who only bought Standard edition get to play.

Can’t wait!

Well, OK, clearly I can wait since I only bought standard, but I’m still really looking forward to it. :slight_smile:


I drop 20 bucks at Taco Bell and all I get is 15 minutes of mediocre food and diarrhea. I drop 20 extra bucks on Blizzard and I get a weekend playing D4 early.

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I got standard too. Then upgraded a few hours before launch. I don’t regret upgrading :sunglasses:


its going to feel weird getting in asap on launch and seeing 100s all over the place in town lol

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Even weirder because level 100s should be in a higher world tier than tier 1 or 2

heh didnt think about that. im still rocking tier 1 at 41 xD

playing it safe on hardcore :wink:

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Good idea, but tbh should be playing wt2 until you need to fight a boss then go down to wt1

Don’t know if it matters anymore, but it makes leveling faster early levels.

If it makes you feel any better it’s super buggy. An act boss is bugged, even if you kill it dozens of times. You’re getting rubberbanded back at least every hour, sometimes for 30+ seconds at a time.
Hopefully, by the time of the full release, they’ll have ironed out what they should’ve fixed before the early access. But apparently, we just paid 20$ to continue beta testing their game for them. Lucky us!

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And this is the sole purpoe of Early Access. One of the many reasons why I didn’t care to pay extra $20 just to encounter bugs and glitches.
We salute you good sir for all your hard work to make it a more smooth experience for the rest of us.

true, the early access is just paid extended beta test lol