Veiled Crystal Cost Too High

75 veiled crystals for each imprint is too high. We will be imprinting more often with the new codex system. So either the cost needs to come down or when you salvage you need to get 2-4 crystals instead of 1 IMO. Forgotten Souls now feel too common and Veiled crystals too uncommon, it’s odd and doesn’t feel great.


Agreed /20 characters


Feeling this to. With the overall reduction in yellow items I was hoping they would of doubled the amount of crystals on salvage.


This is a direct result of the 2.97 mil(call it 3mil) Gold Cap at the Occultist.

Medicine → meet → Candy
Materials UP → Gold Cost significantly reduced(capped).

I’m going to run some Affix and Tempering weighting tests.
Currently it ‘feels like’ 85%+ of all my rolls on weapons have Main Stat as an option.
For Druid Tempering - I’ve gotten Hurricane dozens of times vs a handful of others(except Wind Shear which shows up as a solid second).

Basically if the system is heavily weighted(rigged) then it doesn’t justify such egregious costs.

Also - no more Sacred Items dropping in WT4 as auto-salvage is a huge drop-off in VC income.


From the anouncement, I felt the reduction in Yellow drops was going to cause issues with Veiled Crystals, I run out early game in each season as it is.

And I agree the cost for Imprint is too high. Current system ony required 30 from Codex and 16 from Saved aspect so 75 is a huge increase in cost.


Yeah they need to tone it down, 50 would he pretty reasonable imho.

Yeah I ran out pretty quickly using the boost to lvl 100 route.
They do need to look at these numbers and see if they make sense.

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I fully agree. How can we test out the different aspects of the PTR when the costs are too high to even do so? This isn’t even just with imprinting either. Enchanting has a lower gold cost but an increased material cost.


All mats on ptr are just slowing us down shouldnt be more than 1 or so to learn what needs what. running out of chrystals before even completing 1 build on ptr is just crazy. they need to learn less is more, there is a reason d3 is more popular still. Good content not lots. but at least going right way and they are trying…

I think 25/ 1 time is just right.


I can’t enchant, add aspects to gear or tempering because all of them needs alot of veiled crystals. All I do is farm for veiled crystals. And it isn’t fun when I need 150 to imprint one aspect and get 10 from one nightmare dungeon.


When you start at level 1 this won’t be a problem.


That’s not true @Felipebcarne. You will be using veiled crystal while leveling.

As the tittle says, materials will be a problem since it costs too much compared vs gold farm.


I don’t use it, I save it for end game items. So veiled crystal for me is not a problem.

You wont be doing any of those things early on. Helltides drop TONS. I have thousands of veiled crystals. Helltides will be in the lower WT now so it will be part of the normal gameplay to get them as you level. By the time you need them you will have lots.

Looking at it of course starting out at 100 and needing to imprint and reroll to make your build right off the bat is going to be expensive. This isnt and hasnt been a problem for me in the PTR or in Live. Not sure what you guys are doing wrong.

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Before I realized how slow of a rate I could find VCs and find items to salvage to get VCs I did try out the Tempering, did try out the Codex, etc… and within about an hour I am down to 0 VCs and after few hours managed to get a total whopping number of 16.

Granted this is PTR, and I hope they do listen before rolling this patch out. Especially for enchantments.


Agree it needs a change

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Definitely agree that while I love not having to sift through a million yellow items, salvaging them should yield more to compensate for the large reduction.

Or simply adjust costs based on the changes at hand.

I’m okay with either or. Every time I’ve wanted to do much with my items I’m usually blocked by veiled crystal costs.


Cost is too high. Hope you’re reading, devs.

It’s a big problem.


Agreed. When the cost of something is changed obviously there’ll be a bottleneck somewhere else but it seems to me something was tuned incorrectly. The amount of gear overall is much lower (thankfully) but the cost of using the crafting still seems very high.