I'm so tired of crashing

I MIGHT be able to finish a dungeon before a crash, but I’m getting tired of having to rerun a dungeon over an over for an aspect. Your game is bad and you should feel bad.

GPU drivers up to date
Chipset up to date
BIOS up to date
Turned off all the startup applications
Lowest graphics quality
There is nothing left to update on my PC

Ryzen 7 1700
16gb ram

Here is the Fenris window code report for the employee who never reads this post.

Have a horrible day.

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I was having the same issues over and over for all of Friday.

Their support didn’t help at all basically telling me to update drivers. Waste.

What I ended up doing was reducing my screen resolution to 1920x1080. I was previously operating on a wide screen 16:9. Also lowered the graphic settings to low across the board.

So far. So good. Played for >3 hrs straight for the first time.


My man, you might have found the solution. I changed it to Fullscreen 1920x1080, and so far no crashes.


WOW! This might the solution… I have been crashing none stop as well all weekend.

I lowered my Resolution from 3840 × 1600 to 1080p (RTX 4090) and Ive been able to play much longer than before!

Ive been everything else; fresh install on everything (even Windows11). Down clocked my CPU/RAM too like 2005 settings ha.


Honestly - it works A LOT better for me, BUT, I still crash in dungeons a fair bit but at least not much on the open world anymore. Overall much better for me, but, still problems.

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MANY thanks, friend! I just changed my display as well and things are looking better already.

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Worked for maybe 1 - 2 minutes then back to crashing 395002

Best bet is to follow the sticky and post your crash log.

Since last night crashes always happen and can’t even get past main menu.

Were you able to play for an entire day before the crashing began? That seems to be what happened to me, but during the first beta.

For closed beta I played the entire first day. Second day had a few crashes in dungeons and towns. Ever since then I can’t even load my characters.

I’ve done hours and hours of troubleshooting and no change.

This Saturday I managed to play the game fine but this Sunday, post midnight, the game became literally unplayable. Crash after crash after crash everytime, even after sleeping for several hours and returning this afternoon the game still crashes. I gave up trying and uninstalled the game.
This Beta was a disgrace. Imagine how this will be on full launch, and even worse, no option for offline gameplay. ZERO reasons to play Diablo IV on launch.

Something very weird is going on here, hopefully Blizz notices. Why can we both play perfectly for an entire day, then crash constantly the next with no update to the client? They have to be changing something server side.

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