Zdps wizard build season 19

Haven’t seen many zwiz builds around in season 19. Made this one the other day. Let me know what you think. d3planner. com/745334582

If you’re running for a fire DPS, might as well drop Blur or Astral Presence for Conflagration.

If you aren’t running for a fire DPS, no point in Gale Force. E.g. you’re running with a bazooka wizard, you should swap that to Disintegrate: Intensify.

(could also do Ray of Frost: Snow Blast for cold DPS or Blizzard: Lightning Storm for lightning DPS)

Having Gale Force but not Conflagration just seems weird.

Also note that the Bone Chill and Cold Blooded debuffs only last while the target is chilled/frozen. Frost Nova applies a chill on top of the freeze, so if the target isn’t frozen, you still get the chill to activate the debuffs, but I think the chill might only last for the same duration as the freeze (so 2 sec for Bone Chill rune). You’ll want to check that. So you might be running with pretty low uptime on the Bone Chill and Cold Blooded debuffs. At your CDR, you can only cast it once every 4-5 seconds. So unless the chill lasts longer than the freeze (I can’t remember off the top of my head), you’re only looking at about 50% uptime on Bone Chill/Cold Blooded.

If it’s a bazooka wiz that’s probably not a big deal, because you can just make sure you get the debuffs applied before the drop. Just don’t cast your Bone Chill too soon before the drop.

If your running for a non-bazooka dps that does more regular damage, you’re only going to have those debuffs up for half of a CoE cycle though. That’s definitely not optimal.

I think you’d either want to swap to Halo of Arlyse (it’ll spam out Frost Nova, so you’ll end up with much better uptime on Bone Chill and Cold Blooded) or Obsidian Ring (so you can get the cooldown reduced and spam it more often). Halo of Arlyse probably isn’t ideal because you can’t control it as easily, so it might mess with grouping. You’ll have more control with Obsidian, because you can avoid casting Frost Nova when you are trying to group, but still spam it out when you need to. If you swap to Obsidian Ring, you’ll likely want to either run MW: Conduit or pick up APoC and a few crit rolls to avoid tanking your AP while spamming your Gale Force/Intensify/Snow Blast/Lightning Storm for Obsidian procs. I’ve seen people run Yang’s on zwiz for the RCR too.

You’re missing a ton of CDR rolls (shield, wand, ring, shoulders, diamond in helm), so you could probably just up your CDR to get better uptime too. You can’t get enough CDR to get 100% uptime on Bone Chill though. So you wouldn’t be able to maintain the debuffs for a full CoE cycle with just CDR alone, which seems less than optimal for anything other than a bazooka wiz.

Note: this is assuming the chill only lasts the 2 seconds (assuming the target isn’t frozen for the full duration, e.g. if they have CC resistance built). You’d have to test that, but my guess is that is the way it operates. If that’s the case, you’ll want to address that somehow.

Just tested, and I’m not sure that Frost Nova actually applies a chill effect.

I wasn’t able to test it with the Bone Chill debuff since there isn’t an animation to show that’s active, but the Cold Blooded debuff drops off as soon as the freeze expires. When enemies have higher CC resistance, the Cold Blooded debuff drops off faster. There doesn’t seem to be a residual chill effect when the freeze duration is shortened due to CC resistance.

That might be a bug.

Either way though, it definitely limits the effectiveness of a zwiz. That’s a 43% additive debuff (between Bone Chill and Cold Blooded) that won’t be applied consistently as CC resistance builds. Unfortunate.