You're Killing Me, Cooldowns!

yea, well
i have had this kind of discussion a few times already
so thats probably why im not just coming up with all these explanations
im a bit tired of it xD

Good thing you are free to build your character how you like and not use abilities with CDs or long ones. You are also not required to use a rotation. Thise are all things you do by choice.

I have plenty of builds with CDs that are not being spammed as soon as they come off it. Outside of a few synergistic abilities I rarely find myself following a set rotation. I use most of my non builders and spenders situationally. As we all should. It’s not Blizzards fault you choose to play this way.

They balanced (or rather didn’t balance) the game. They definitely have a lot of responsibility here.

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Meh. Tons of non set builds, tons of multi set builds with ways to make CD almost non existent. There are plenty of ways around it. Seems like people would rather complain about something than trying a different way about things to me.

Besides the OP clearly states he is trying to build a rotation in a game that doesn’t really use them.

I mean, there are tons of games with cooldown so players are used to it.

Also two things: It can be explained by in-game logic, easily. And it is another way to balance skills, you can see it as another resource you must manage.

And guess it depends on preference but I (and many others) enjoy the added input from my side having to manage both resource and cooldown. My big spell is on cooldown for a while, better not go in now, or I just used it so its go time, or my buff is about to fall of but will still be on cooldown so better be careful or I have a few spells that have cooldowns so have to stay mindful of the time when they are up since they need to be cast as much as possible. Sure having it all managed by resource is also fine but it isn’t necessarily better.

I’m not so sure about this.
A big part of D3 is you stack crit chance, crit damage, cooldown reduction, items (equipped or in the cube) that grant cooldown reduction…
and I gotta say, this is stupid and boring.

So much choice is taken away from the player, both in terms of which items he equips, but also what kind of affixes on them he needs.

D4 is already on the right track with the idea of the Angelic, Demonic and Ancestral power – as in we need more interesting affixes, to spice things up a bit.

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Wie are talking diablo here and in diablo people were used to mana
And suddenly there was time…for some skills
Explaining how those new limitations make you play, doesn’t explain why and with what rules they even exist in that fantasy world

D2 may not have cooldowns but there are less spells that can be actively on your bar. Also, different games. Some mechanics make sense in their games but if you try to transfer d2 mechanics into d3 or vice versa it won’t work. I don’t think cooldowns are that bad in d3. It gives some tactical depth instead of button smashing. There are also many ways to minimalize the CDs. I can agree though that there are some spells that don’t need to have a cooldown to start with. Like wd gargantuans for example, it would be best if instead of a cooldown they could be up all the time and the skill could be used to aim them. Other than a few things here and there, to me it makes sense if a class has some ultimate abilities in the form of very strong buffs that cannot be activated all the time.

Stamina was a limitation too in D2 or does it make any sense for a demi god to sprint for 40 yards and then run out of breath while at the same time he could withstand being in hell and pounding demons for days? Immunities were also a limitation back then. Again it won’t make any sense to try and think of a particular mechanic and transfer it to a completely different game.

Depends on what you want to do. For me, I just pick abilities I like to use. If there happens to be a set that uses them I’ll try the set and go from there. Typically I start with LoD and just play how I want. When sets are redone or new ones added I try them out. However, not once do I go to a tier list and build what I’m told to do.

Often they use an ability or two I don’t care for, or mix sets with something I don’t like. But after that I don’t bother with the minutiae of the deeper affix systems. I just plug my paragon where I want and reforge out the ability affixes for ones I use or something else. That’s about as deep as it gets.

The whole time I play my way and have fun. Sure I’ve never completed a GR over 100, but I don’t aim to do any of that. I just have fun for a few weeks trying something different each time.

also everyone agrees on that stamina from D2 was horrible and none wants it to be back ever again

Cooldowns are fine as long as they are done right, which they were not in D3.

First you have so many items with massive amounts of cooldown reduction (like the Obsidian Ring or the Dawn crossbow) that they make certain skills like WotB or Vengeance etc totally useless and secondly, these skills should first start their CD once their effects have expired.

Then, sudenly that whole thing becomes much more interesting because you wouldn’t be able to have a 100% uptime on them, regardless of how much cooldown reduction you have, so you then had to decide when to use these skill, instead of just having them active all the time.

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Heck, I’ve even seen an interview with Brevik where he said this.

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because its true
everyone says it
it was just dumb xD

OK so Diablo players aren’t used to it being in Diablo then.

And yes explaining how doesn’t explain why they are there. That wasn’t the intention. I don’t see how justifying cooldowns in terms of in game logic or lore is impossible but usage of mana is.

But again, I think this is a preference thing so its not a big deal. I personally enjoy having both but having only mana based is also fine.

It’s really simple in terms of lore. Tapping into a Nephalem’s power tires them out. Using big and powerful abilities takes a toll and they need time to recover. Smaller abilities don’t require as much energy or concentration so they can be used constantly.

But to go even further, back in AD&D you could only use spells once or day, or after using you had to rest and prepare the spell again for use. CDs have always been a part of the RPG genre, it was odd in the first place that Diablo never had them.

Doesn’t really matter to me though. I’ll play what the game gives me.


Cool downs can be a very interesting game mechanic, forces you to balance power/time.


just not in that genre

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Yea, looking at moves like the zombie-hands that the WD gets early on, there’s no good reason that I shouldn’t be able to toss out multiples of them on a moment’s notice and drain my mana pool if I want, especially in a solo PvE context in a Diablo game finally bereft of “potion spam”. I don’t want to hear how “unfun” it is to run out my mana and how great it is that Blizzard keeps us on a short leash to stop us. Maybe I just want a field of zombie hands on-screen for the spectacle of it? Let me play how I want!

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Agreed. I played the game for 10 years, still consider it a classic, a giant of the genre. But there was a lot about D2 LoD that can be improved, and a lot of it was QoL.

There’s a subset of vocal D2 fans that simply cannot fathom their game coming under critical scrutiny. As soon as someone criticizes D2, it becomes some kind of personal affront to their (barf) gamer sensibilities.

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