You shouldn't be able to buy best gear

i’ll admit that but i guess they did what they could at the time. D4 sure is exciting to talk about isn’t it xD

You dont do anything with it. Which is fine.

What would you do with the spare best gear if you could trade?
There is nothing to trade for if you already have all the best gear anyway.

Always nice if a game offers you things to do with the drops you dont need. Trading is hardly a solution to that problem however.
It would make sense if mythical items could be broken down into useful crafting stuff.
Personally, I think it could be positive for D4 in general, if monsters dont drop much gold at all, and your gold comes from selling items to vendors. That way, if you get items you dont need, they are your new best source of gold. That of course means legendaries should sell for a lot more than magic and rare items.


i’d trade my cow lvl stick to get back into D3 LOL

I’ll also add that I’m not suggesting any system myself because I can’t really think of anything that would be all that exciting.

It might just be that all one can do is offer something like salvage. It’s not exciting but like Shadout said, that’s probably fine.

In a game that’s all about finding loot, I don’t think you can make all the loot exciting. They tried to do that later in Diablo 3 with showers of legendary gear and the only effect it had was making legendary gear mundane and boring unless it was primal and ancient.

Though, better systems of targeting a very specific item I want would be nice in Diablo 4.

i would rather get to end content, fully gear and call it a day than get to end content be shown that things have been added to make computers blow up and that a game i used to enjoy is now un-playable. Not being funny here at all. Also i know my pc runs this game perfectly fine up until season 21 where extra un-necessary things have been added. At least make it so that anyone wishing to gear all chars can play up to GR 70 with no extra added un-necessary things. I don’t want to be on a leader board i just want to gear my old chars.

Play the game, not d4jsp.

Keep telling yourself that, :deer:


Why should I play the loot hunt game when I can just buy everything in a loot hunt game?

D2 cash shop:

It is kinda funny that many people are against pay 2 win games but completely OK with the game with open trading. Is it because the money didn’t went into the developers’ pocket?


LOL oh :poop:

You should see the console D3 one. The hacked items on it are just ridiculously ridiculous.

This doesnt stop anything though, botters will still dominate the leaderboards. You effectively punished 95% of the playerbase for the 5% of cheaters.

Trading is a big part of my gaming experience, it allows me to diversify my game time accordingly. It also allows for a greater pool of builds at my disposal since I can target specific items. And beyond all that it is a major shared social experience that allows you to interact with other players.

Forcing me to grind only for gear because you don’t want to bother trading isn’t an argument. Blizz needs to have 2 ladders/league one for open trade and another only self found.


So you draw the line on only one form of cheating.

Got it :+1:

A vast loot variety and a useful (!!) ingame currency to pay for tradeable items result in a fun experience and a healthy interactive community. This is the path to go imho. Just take PoE as an example.

How currency is handled in PoE is one best systems I’ve ever seen in an ARPG, because it actually has high value in it’s enormous crafting system and is not only used for trading unlike e.g. gold.
(Of course this would also be possible just with gold but the sheer amount of different forms of currency that all have different uses keep the market busy and trading interesting.)

Don’t get me wrong… I don’t want D4 to be a PoE ripoff but it’s not a bad idea to get inspiration from it (as PoE got from D2).

YES to trading IF there is a huge variety of interesting loot.
And also YES to a SSF (Solo Self Found) mode which excludes players from all trading interactions.

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Yeah good idea, separate the playerbase even more…

insert sarcasm gif

Botters can be banned. In fact Blizzard just banned a lot of botters before the S20 ended.

However Blizzard can’t ban players that got their gears from Chinese farmers. If D4 has leaderboard for Keyed Dungeons and PvP, those who didn’t spent real money or trade will be in massive disadvantage in D4.

You’d be lucky if 5% of the playerbase engaged in trading.

Have you heard the term crafting?

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To each their own. I know there’s a lot of players that used trading in D2 and enjoyed it. There doesn’t seem to be many games anymore where you can trade so there is a spot for that to enlighten those who want it.
I also see the side not wanting trading in fear they have the advantage to go further over pure luck based drops self found.

From what I can tell, most of the reasons for trading seem to revolve around this idea.

But why do you need a specific item?

What I’ve seen in various threads seem to fit one of three reasons:

  1. polish my unique build
  2. because someone said I need it
    • streamer (Rykerr, MrLalma, etc)
    • cookie cutter build
  3. I tried the adventuring life. Too much pain; not enough profit

IMO - Open Trading will encourage Reason 3 (eg D2jsp). Reason 2 would also encourage Reason 3 (farming bots, etc.)

In order to encourage Reason 1, the loot drops for build defining item (eg Epic) need to be unique enough that “cookie cutter/streamer” builds are almost impossible to mimic.

These items should also be easily found by killing enemies (eg 1 every 24 hours of game play) and hard to find (if at all) via gambling.

But, if the items are too unique, the ability to “even trade” would make sense. (To prevent 3, “bind on trade” should be implemented.)

Overall, trade capabilities should be based off of loot capabilities, uniqueness, and rarity.

No, it’s not… because it isn’t Diablo.
This is a nonsensical statement from players, who don’t like Diablo and wanna change the game to something they like – random rewards with no trading to compensate for bad luck.

Diablo games have always been primarily a trade simulators, because the gameplay was always rather simplistic if we’re being honest.
RoS (with it’s severely restricted trading) is the exception, not the rule… and it’s not well received or critically acclaimed.

D4 should have open trading.

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For a lot of players I bet this is exactly what Diablo is.
And it is what Diablo should be.
Open trading was primarily a D2 mistake (and early D3 mistake of course).

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and… why exactly?

So you have 3 games with trading, and 1 expansion without… and you say everything is a mistake, except for that last expansion… right…

Sorry, but no. If you don’t like trading, then you don’t like Diablo. The game lacks complex gameplay to stand on it’s own without trading… and RoS already proved that.
Two years after RoS came out, the first banwaves hit and I ended up on the ladder after doing Seasonal Journey… meaning, the playerbase was miniscule 2 years after the expansion came out, and most “players” were bots.

Meanwhile, the “mistake” called D2 had solid player base for many years and trading was a big part of that.