WW build not strong enough

Heys guys,
so I managed to beat a GR103 with my IK HOTA build and it looks like I might have reached my ceiling with my current stuff
So I decided to speedfarm normal rifts for a bit with my WW build but I feel like I’m not strong enough (that’s why I use Esoteric and diamonds instead of Pain enhancer and rupees) ; it just blows my mind that some players can clear GR120+ with this build
I’ve read the guides, but I’m not sure I understand everything, as english is not my main language
Anyways if you guys could take a look it would be much appreciated

On a slightly different note, I’ve been kicked (3 times) of groups bc I was playing a barb ; one of them explained “sry dude, barb does not make enough damage” ; were they just being dicks or are barbs weaker than other classes ?

Thanks !

Unless you are playing a zBarb in a 4 man meta group, you’re probably going to get kicked unless playing with clanmates or close friends. Barb really is that weak.

You’re going to have to refarm most of your gear, quite a bit of it is suboptimal. A couple of key points:

  1. A 4 second Pride of Cassius is an insta-salvage, even in ancient. You need 6 seconds for permanent Ignore Pain.
  2. Your Ancient Parthan Defenders are doing nothing for you. The only way for WW to proc APD’s is via secondary rolls on your swords, belt or gloves (stun or freeze rolls). The way it sits now, I’d recommend Mortick’s to leverage your WotB uptime.
  3. Your swords are salvage bait. Warrior Blood is rerolled without a Gift and will never be optimal. The solemn vow doesn’t have attack speed or area damage on it.
  4. Pain Enhancer over Esoteric. Every time. You are squishy because Ignore Pain is going down (see point #1) and you can’t proc APD’s (point #2). Morticks will help alleviate that while Wrath is up, which should be always. It will bridge the gap until you find a 6 second Cassius, preferably with a freeze roll.
  5. Ask Free for help in the guide thread. He’s much better at this than me.

I’m sure others can help fine tune, but those are what stand out most to me.


Unfortunately, the short answer is: we are too weak for groups running high GRs. Unless you use some sort of zDPS barb. If you go in a group as a damage barb you will hold everyone back.

On the brighter side. (Edit) We have some builds that can hold their own in a group until about GR 110ish. Unfortunately WW is one of the weakest builds, although Free would probably disagree. After GR 110ish we become an anchor to the group. Unless like i said, you use a zDPS build.

Sorry, but that’s the state of Barbarians now-a-days. We’re the ugly stepchild of Diablo3 . No love at ALL!!!

Edit: Clarified my comment on builds

Thank you for helping !

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Try out Prokahn’s SS build, if you have the gear for it.
You can easily do 100s WITHOUT augments
I love WW too, so like Argos and Foamy are saying and in addition to that, you really need fully optimized gear AND high para to make WW viable in higher GR.
Save your WW gear for farming t16 rifts and low level gem ups.

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Foamy gave you some great advice. Your gear needs serious work, so drop the difficulty down to where you can speed-farm Torment Rifts in 2-4 minutes. Consult the New Player’s Guide for more info on the most efficient and economical ways to use your mats and resources for upgrades. Then re-read the Zodiac WW guide and pay close attention to the sections on gear and play style. If you have questions, ask in the guide thread!

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