Wrong Shadow Clone?

Playing Necro, and hit a pylon which gave me a really BAD Demon Hunter Shadow Clone. Low damage and lack of any special abilities (from pre determined chances) as far as I could tell. Has this happened to anyone else?

I have also seen this and was going to set up a post myself. I was also playing Necro and got a Demon Hunter Clone. I have a video recording of this happening as well. Not sure if relevant but for me I already had 2 clones active then got the DH clone on the third shrine.

I didnt have any other clones active at the time, interesting that it was on Necro for you as well

This was reported three days ago in the PTR Bug Report forum…

You know what? I would actually prefer that vs. a shadow clone of the class I am playing. Especially if I hit 3 shrines and I have a different class each time, the RNG would actually be fun.

Some of the clones have projectile abilities which, if they hit a spinning / shielded Dervish, will one-shot the players. Good luck dealing with that in hardcore.

I deal with that as a spin Barb. Yes my passive pops. My best example is the keywarden in Act 2 oasis. If I don’t kill him fast enough, then he does that special ability that tosses my damage right back at me. Usually he dies to my bleed and I don’t have to worry about other mobs, but I port to town just to be safe.

That shouldn’t be happening with a WW Barb- generally no projectiles. Frenzy Barb is another story (Sidearm axes).

It shouldn’t, but it does. I always thought it was projectiles also, but maybe the rend tick does it as well? Funny you should say that. I never had any trouble with the Frenzy build, just WW/Rend.