Wrath of the Wastes Set Dungeon = IMPOSSIBLE

This set dungeon is an exercise in premeditated TORTURE. Let me count the ways:

  1. Random hits from the mobs can RUIN your perfect run - and you NEED the mobs in melee range to use Rend. Meaning they have a perfect chance to hit you before you can get it off.
  2. A properly geared barbarian can wipe out enemies in a matter of seconds, often killing 9 enemies with rend while leaving one just a few, fist-pounding inches out of rend range, meaning you have to start over and over until you run out of mobs that are grouped together enough to make this challenge possible.
  3. Herding enemies into bigger groups just gives them a chance to hit you while you’re running, ruining your perfect run when there’s NO OTHER WAY to gather them up because your crowd-dragging powers are recharging.

This is bad. This is just plain nasty. To have seasonal quests REQUIRE you to get a perfect mastery when you have set dungeons which are IMPOSSIBLE is just plan vicious.

This set dungeon needs to be re-built to be sane, and whoever came up with this present challenge needs to be publicly scolded, shaken by the lapels, and forced to apologize to every Barbarian player who has broken down in bitter tears over countless failed runs.


If you just want to complete any set dungeon, apparently the IK one is the easiest.

But yes, the Wastes one is a PITA.

  1. Change the rune on Rend to Ravage, to extend its range to 18 yards.
  2. Ground Stomp / Wrenching Smash. This pulls in enemies from 24 yards and stuns them, allowing you to gather and prevent them hitting you, ready to Rend them.
  3. So, gear for more CDR, put in a Gogok.
  4. Collect the Immortal King set. Wear it. Change one of your WW/Rend abilities to Call of the Ancients. Run the IK set dungeon. You’ll master it first try, in around 2 minutes as the requirements are killing the elites with CotA and WotB active, and killing all mobs.

Having said that, whilst the Wastes dungeon is frustrating, it’s certainly not impossible…


Agree, Wastes is the hardest barb set dungeon (back in the day when i was chasing the dragon wings it was the one that took me the longest to complete).

For this season and state of D3, due to the set dungeon requirements I recommend not to use/cube Ambo’s Pride for the set dungeon.

The recommendation with ground stomp and Rend Fire rune I agree with.

Also, IK set dungeon is the easiest (did it in 1:32 this season). Also recommend using Molten Wildebeest Gizzard as it will give you a shield, so at least small mobs will not “touch you”, but just destroy part of the shield.

My clear from back in the day:

Yea, so, thx for recommending the IK set. That was a joke, a complete joke. I will complete my journey now b/c of this post.

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Yeah I gave up after 2 attempts n just WW’d my way through the IK set dungeon n mastered it first go haha.

Go figure


I nearly got a headache (literally) mastering this after several times. If you’re someone who needs to complete the achievement tab (or that pair of wings) before D4 comes, then you might still have to face the inevitable :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Feels really good when you complete it though, especially if not using Gizzard to cheat the don’t take damage part.

If you are too lazy to level a gizzard like I was, just run ground stomp-wrenching smash + a lot of mobility/cc skills, and re-start until you get good density in the first couple of areas to get the primary obj done early; then just spin to win for the rest of it. Will take a few tries and slow gameplay to avoid hits, but totally doable.

I actually tried it after tens of failed attempts and it doesn’t work: is it possible that it worked once and they changed it recently?
Anyway, I completed it at last but it was painful.

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Yes. I did it by just swapping leap with stomp.

The stun and pull make it vastly easier to do. Just remember that the enemies usually telegraph their attacks and to run around a lot to gather them together.

It was annoying the one time I pulled 20 and did not get a double from it.

Since I never tried gizzard I don’t actually know, I just assumed MadTom’s post above about it was accurate.

And congrats on the clear man!

Yah don’t waste your time with wastes like I did. 30 some odd attempts then went ‘oh yah I have IK set’ and did it first try.

I mean I know I haven’t played Barb in years but I have enough experience to know when something is just pure bs waste of time and that’s what this set dungeon is.

This seriously needs a revamp, I think W6 also applying to Rend damage is doing much more harm than good on this dungeon where as before you’d probably be able to WW and gather mobs with Hurricane (frozen cannot hit) and then Rend away.

Wait I just realized something, you probably could take Ambo’s Pride off and do it that way? Because wait isn’t it just hit 10 mobs with Rend and not kill? Oh God that makes sense, because Ambo’s didn’t exist with this dungeon. Even if it is kill it’s still 10k x 3 x 5 (lamentation) should be no problem.

Well crap now I’m gonna go back and try this again!

Wastes dungeon I did find challenging also and very stressful at times. It took about 15 tries, ended up getting it finished.

I followed this guide, ended up not using the Furious Charge at all, mostly just mashing the Sprint and making sure the Battle Rage stayed up. Paired with the Krelms Belt in the cube and the Illusionary boots. A bit of running and figuring out where the best place to group up mobs in the map.

dunno I do inaruis for set dungeon since easy peasey

The IK set dungeon is easy mode. May be one of the easiest.

definitely agree. cruel you have to play 24/7 and have no job even then people are wanting to quit due to the prerequisite of what it takes now for season 19 just to get the pet & wings. massive bull

I’ve had the barb banner forever and I agree that this one sucks, but they are ALL doable.

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People still having trouble with this set? Sheesh. I did it and I had the wrong runes! (Forgot to have Ravage on Rend and Wrenching Smash on Ground Stomp on). Took ~11 tries total.

Overall, the hardest part were the Armeggadons or whatever you call them - Kill them asap even if you have to kill 20 of the other guys. The brutes have a very, VERY telegraphed melee attack, and the fallen only attack if you don’t kill them in ~5 seconds. But Armegs need to die ASAP.


I used the Dodge portion of Warcry - If you dodge a melee attack, it doesn’t count as a hit. It won’t guarantee anything, but can help for sure.

I also used Ambo’s - Use Furious Charge to position yourself into big groups, Wrenching Smash to gather, and then Ravage-Rend to kill.

The hardest part really was missing 1 mob on the opposite side of the map, but even then you have 95-115% movement speed depending on setup, so not too bad.

immortal kings set is best for set dungeon

Use sprint rune that pushes enemies away. It mostly interrupts their attacks so as long as you’re sprinting, they won’t be able to hit you.

leap to stun and most importantly bypasses axes)

Groundstomp to stun/gather.

rend/ravage as others have stated.