Would you re-roll a Barb?

Just wondering if you had to do it all over again would you re-roll a Barbarian?
I know we all played all of the classes, maybe even liked wizard for a minute but deep down in your heart you know your a Barbarian. Would you do it again?

You cant reroll a barb if you never played anything else since 2012 :grin:


I would, from time to time, play other other classes. But once I see another barb shouting and raging like a bull in a china shop, I go back to playing barb. I’ll roll a barb in S21.

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Wolverine wins the thread!

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Wait? There are other classes?


Yes, where they teach people how to re-roll to Barbs.


5 out of 6 seasons I have made a barb, mostly as second character when I got bored of the other class. I have only played 3 seasons so far without build a barb at all.

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Yep. Barb is my most played class by many and many hours. New season comes out, make a barb. See if that free primal can help me with build. I’ve played other classes but never tried to proper gear and chant.

My free primal while using barb is always for wizard, but once I tricked RNJesus by using DH and got something usable on my barbs.


I see that level 1 WD you have liar liar pants on fire. ;). LOL

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That WD is probably just there to poke needles into voodoo dolls of other players that refuse to make Barbs. It’s fine.


I have a very good excuse :grin: I needed rare wd pants to roll the legendary wd pants with fire dmg for my lon hota barb :upside_down_face:


Firebird has best chance of surviving wearing liar pants

But my wife says I’m nothing special when she’s mad at me, so I don’t think I’m elite. :frowning:

Seasons. You have to start your barb over for seasons.

After three seasons as a Barbarian. I think I’m going to play a Necromancer in season 21 and focus on crusader for non- seasonal.

After finding out, that DHs sucks as* as im nowhere near wudijos skill i switched to barb and never looked back.

Barb is love…barb is life. Everything else is an alt for me.


I mained a barbarian until the necromancer came out. Now I bounce back and forth between both.

It’s his Barb’s assistant whom holds all the primals he doesn’t currently use. I too ran 100% Barb until season 21. WWDH (GoD DH) got me interested and I ended up leveling all classes to 70 and cleared a GR100 before putting them back into sleep mode.