With the innevitable nerf to firebirds what are the chances we could get an explosive blast buff?

The damage of the set is clearly going to get toned down. The interaction of the ignite and skill proccing it is interesting but rather cumbersome for speed farming with all the low range or targetted abilities. Once it does to keep the set appeal what are the chances that we could get a tweak to a legendary item to increase the radius of explosive blast to help out wizards with speed farming?

I would like to see an Explosive Blast buff too - not for Firebirds but for the Ingeom Speedfarm build.
The skill relies too much on elites to lower the cooldown, unlike condemn crusader. Even with Ingeom active the skill is weaker than others.

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Explosive blast T16 build would be great!

Toning it down is far from a forgone conclusion. I do not think the set is the problem, it is how other players are choosing to interact with the set. The only reason to tone anything down is if it will impact seasonal play to too high a degree. The fact that non seasonal players can clear GR150 in 5 minutes is hardly a problem when you throw the ridiculous paragon levels of non season into play.