Will you pay a monthly fee?

That would depend on what kind of content Diablo will be offering then. I mean, I pay a monthly subscription for FF14 now and have zero regrets.

Good to hear that game pass isn"t the only way to access a particular game. Had no idea how it works. Thanks all for clarifying.

Of course it’s a good move to offer all the titles to the pool of games, that will make the value of the sub more worth for MS"s existing customers. A very smart move and if the WoW customers get WoW cheaper via game pass they might stay longtime customers plus game pass will be able to show bigger numbers of sub’s.
Now assuming that this happens, the whole deal I mean, I do hope that MS eventually will be able to create a new workplace environment and culture.

I will NEVER play a subscription game even if that subscription is 0.01 $ / mo
as for the Windows requirement, I’m always up to date with the last version of Windows for the latest security of windows and all the updates that comes with it
I`m open to buying MTX and other stuff to support a game, but let that be my decision … not a must and I believe that mobile gaming(if you can call it gaming) shows that

I would just buy the game outright and ignore gamepass, like I have been for several years now.


No. Plain and simple … NO. I just want to buy this game and this game only.

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I’ll just add my voice to the ‘no’ crowd.

In this day and age many businesses have moved to a monthly subscription and I am good with that. For myself I have a hard limit on the number I will pay (three if you’re wondering).

Before I add another one, I have to cancel one of the ones I have and I like all the ones I have.

I don’t currently, and I declined the Amazon game thing for the same reason - I don’t “rent” games. I want to own them. I can do that without a subscription.

Good thing that’s how it still works.

No one wants to pay more.

How much is Hello Kitty Online per month these days? :wink:

Wait what?! That’s a thing??

I need to cancel Netflix ASAP!

They’ve not updated in a Blizzard minute, the last one in 2012…


No, that doesn’t make any sense. I didn’t have to buy all my id/bethesda games again when Microsoft bought. The closest thing that happened was with Minecraft, when I had to migrate my old Mojang account to an Xbox one, and even that was just an account migration, not buying the game again.

Worst case scenario, you’re forced to migrate your blizzard account to an xbox live account and transfer your games to that platform (and that app is even worse than the bnet launcher). Something similar happened with Destiny 2, I had a battle.net account, when bungie separated from Activision, I had to transfer my Destiny 2 account to a Steam account. Was able to keep playing normally after that.

But no, you’re not gonna have to pay for the game again.

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Game’s shutdown since 2017.

Does anyone know if gamepass is required for online multiplayer in MSFT universe?

Because that’s how things work in the Sony’s world. My stepson learned it the hard way, when his PS+ subscription expired, and all of a sudden he couldn’t summon anyone in Dark Souls (nobody invaded him either, sure, but still).

I imagine that die-hard group players might be… a wee bit disappointed if that’s the case.

If you’re talking about Xbox, pretty sure that’s a separate sub. On PC it isn’t.

No, but MS has, along with Gamepass, a PS+ equivalent in Xbox Gold. Which you need for online play.
Only on Xbox of course. They would be dead the moment they tried to sell you a subscription for playing on the internet on PC :smiley:

Definite no buy for me. I will pay $60 for a quality, polished, complete game. If they want my continued money, they can keep producing quality, polished, completed expansions and sell me those.

For those that will cry “How will poor, poor Microsoft stay in business??”. They will still get constant money from the cosmetic microtransactions they will pump out. No need to get greedy and triple dip.

Giving options like this are perfectly fine. Pay for the game and only have access to the game, or pay a monthly sub and have access to all their games is totally acceptable.


Well as these massive sales create monopoly’s, with so many titles under one roof, I think we need to start thinking about creating “lifetime characters” that you simply take to each game with you, rather than creating a new one for each and every game you play.

I could play Paladina here, in Warcraft or go take her to play The Witcher 4 or New World or whatever the new hotness is, that is something I’d pay good money for.


I couldn’t agree any more with this if I wanted to!