Will Echoing Nightmare be permanent?

I would be very disappointed if the Echoing Nightmare doesn’t become a permanent game mode. I think its great for casual players to be able to gain some extra XP, but most importantly the easy to obtain 125 gems to Augment your gear. For the first time ever i was able to Augment 2 different builds.


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It’s not impossible. However, it’s likely that it’ll be a temporary addition, since that’s usually the case for most of the seasonal themes thus far. On the other hand, if the developers had stated that it would be a permanent addition, like the followers rework, then that’d be a different story.

All in all, we won’t know for sure, until either much later, when we see the contents of the next ptr update, or we get a blue response pertaining to the matter.

I would say that this is a bit different as it required Blizzard to make a new area and mode. It would seem weird that they invested that time just to have it go the way of the dodo bird since it would not kead to powercreep except for making easier augments.

The fact that so many claim that it is an useless seasonal theme means it is more compatible with it being introduced permanently. It does not give a huge jump in character power.

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Why not? Not seeing them in season, so no reason not to let non-season players be disappointed also.


If the ESs were not AB I would give you some so you could try the EN.

it should become permanent for non-season. D3 will be 10years old in May, so…


You’d think that, but I wouldn’t be surprise if that actually happens.

I hope not.

Seasons should be that - one off experiences that come back on rotary periods.

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Do you like legacy of dreams legendary gem? That was an offshoot of a seasonal theme.

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I don’t know. I’ve used it once, to level 50. So, I guess not really.

I have tried to make different builds but I end up just going with an easy premade one, because they end up being physically playable.

That part should be removed after the season. It should strictly be used for leveling augment gems, in my opinion.

Yes it was but it was a modified from the rings.

If ENs become a permanent fixture then they may need modification too ie:
XP tweak
Scream drop rates
Shield pylon back for HC

Personally I’d prefer it goes the way of other themes and vanishes at the end of season.

I don’t think NS needs a new game mode. If you don’t have all your characters augmented, and on a high paragon in NS, you probably don’t play/have time to NS. If it’s going to be a permanent feature it should be a Seson only feature, but buff those key drops for EN all ready God dang it.

This area is a recycled one from the past with pretty much same goal and intent.
Most hated that way of getting gr keys.
It was called “trials”.

Instead of gr key lvl x we call them es of lvl x…

So, no much diff.

It would be nice to keep these for leveling gems. Would be great to to level a lvl 0 gem to 120+ is few minutes… Or even to 150.

Don’t think they will keep it though.