Will Diablo Immortal Be Blocked In The USA?

Trump has signed executive order that prohibits transactions with TikTok and WeChat parent companies Bytedance and Tencent


Will this affect diablo immortal?

One can only hope. Money grubbing Mobile games can seriously GTFO.



Ah apparently it won’t affect game companies or something

Diablo Immortal? Sorry, care less about that. I glimpsed (didn’t read through) whether LoL is gonna be affected by it. And all I thought was that HotS will finally have the light of day that it deserves. Mhahahaha.

(I’m saying this half jokingly, of course. don’t know if LoL will be affected by it, would care less also if it doesn’t get affected)


Yeah but that doesn’t mean the CCP won’t throw Blizzard out of China for it.

Diablo Immortal is being developed with NetEase not TenCent. NetEase also operates Blizzard’s games in China if I’m not mistaken.

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Ah, I actually thought TenCent was involved in diablo immortal

Still you could be right with the ccp perhaps kicking blizzard out of china, maybe as a sort of retaliation against this executive order

TenCent did develop Call of Duty Mobile but last I heard The Ministry of Culture and Tourism haven’t approved it yet.

I think Tencent owns a piece of GGG (POE).

They bought GGG in 2018 so they own it totally now. They also hold the majority of positions on the Board and 87% of the stocks.


GGG (POE) belongs to China now :frowning:


Yeah, TC’s essential ownership of GGG makes me a sad panda, since I do like PoE quite a bit. I’d have been less open to Trump’s ban on Chinese apps and hardware in the US last year, but after seeing China’s censorship engine start to affect even Hollywood’s offerings (the Hong Kong and Japanese flags were removed from the jacket in the remake, ostensibly at TenCent’s request on behalf of China). There is even ominous shadowbanning of anyone talking about HK in a negative way in PoE’s chat.

Quite frankly, I wish this had impacted the game industry. That would have been a very large wakeup call to companies and their willingness to “appease” China with censorship here. I have no interest in being forced behind any firewalls, thank you.


Could care less about another Pay to Win game for the mobile played on the toilet.

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I’m not a fan of Trump, but to protect freedom of speech and artistic freedom, this is the only way to go.


Well said. I suspect many share your opinion. Policy over personality.

Why do you care if mobile gamers are willing to feed Blizzard money and enjoy their fake Diablo?
As long as Blizzard make D4 decent for the PC, I’d be happy.
Would be nice if blizz employees get some of that money and it doesn’t all go to Kotick.

Oh, well… you know, I’ve criticized D3 for years, but even now D3 remains the better game.
I mean seriously, people complained about D3’s skills being dependent on weapons and sets, and yet the system in PoE is even worse. Roll one item forever, till you eventually get all the sockets, all the links and all the right colors… and then socket your skills in it, because your skills are items…
Come on…

Remember when D2 devs considered organs and body parts as crafting reagents for D2, but eventually scrapped that, because it was too gruesome?
Well… may the organ harvest be bountiful!

Pffft. PoE beat them to it with the Blight league (which is now in Core as yet another god awful 10% spawn chance mechanic, and only in maps). Gruesome I want in D4. But I hope Blizz never does that horrendous 10% type mechanic. It’s one of the biggest peeves I have with PoE.

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I haven’t played PoE in years. Can you describe what the Blight league is, and is it a good endgame activity?

Just this part you mentioned sounds awful.

I was trying to be funny, although the reality is quite sad. Mentioning D2 devs planning to make us gather organs as mats, and now GGG being owned by China…
you know, cause the Chinese government farms for “mats” IRL :stuck_out_tongue:

This is kinda the opposite of protecting freedom of speech, by singlehandedly saying which companies are allowed to do business. And then trying to extort them on top of it all.
(not saying the two social platforms shouldn’t be regulated, or even banned, but the way it is done here sure is not pretty, and sets a scary precedence).
This is basically the US becoming more like China…

Yeah, one of the worst parts of PoE.
Still not as bad as D3 sets, but they can both be awful at the same time.

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Sets are crap, because they kill the itemization.

The cool effects from some sets or legendary items (say the effect of the Dreadland’s set, where Strafe shoots your Generator; Dagger of Darts making, so that fetishes shoot drats when you do) could have been like the ultimate talents down a freaking talent tree.

Instead we have this crap where more than half your item slots are predetermined (and yes, even though you have 13 item slots and a set is usually a 6 piece, you decide some of the other slots based on the set, and that’s why I say more than half).


Funny right?

They said that Immortal is Netease property but in reality, it was a collaboration project between these 2 companies meanwhile PoE Mobile is completely GGG property. :thinking:

Pointing out facts will only get you labeled a fanboy or white knight by those whose agenda the facts go against.