Why werewolf slowly than main form?

Hello! I love diablo 2 and have been looking forward to the remaster very much. I love druids, I really like his transformation into animals.
But I don’t understand one thing. In werewolf form, attack speed should increase by at least 20%, with an increase in level even more. BUT compared to a normal attack in human form, even at the 4th level of the ability, the wolf’s attack speed is lower! It just catches your eye, I measured the hits against the champions and the attack speed in the form of a wolf is really lower! Check it out for yourself, tell me why?

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I don’t know why but it always has been this way.

Different characters (and weapon (thrust/chop)) use different animations for their attacks.
These animations are made of different numbers of frames.
The werewolf attack animation has more frames than most (all?) basic druid attack animations.
At higher levels of attack speed bonuses, the Werewolf attack can eventually reach fewer frames than basic Druid attacks.
At lower levels of attack speed bonuses, the Werewolf attack is clearly slower.

Yes, in fact, it is. BUT this should not be, the skill description clearly states that the attack speed should increase. And naturally, it should increase in comparison with the usual form of a druid. It’s just logical and correct that the wolf is faster than the druid’s grandfather.
The fact that it has been working incorrectly for the last 20 years does not change the fact that it has been working incorrectly)