Why we are forced to play Wizard?

Don’t you dare disrespect barb like that again, sir.
Honestly, wiz is only played so much because of the power. If barb has wizards power, I bet more people would play barb. It’s not the class appeal, it’s the power appeal. Makes sense to play the strongest class.


If you follow others, that is on you.
Necro, barb, monk can also go into the meta.

No one forces you to do anything in this game. Don’t like if others demand something? Go join a clan or just enjoy going solo.


Sounds like a warped opinion at best.

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No one is FORCING you to choose any class. Just like no one if FORCING you to play the game at all.


Hi im 3 months…

Blizzard says there listening to us now though they said that last season…
If that was true sader wouldn’t have been nerfed so hard in maybe barb would have gotten a buff for damage still waiting on the evidence there listening to us… Guess they only listen to people that use R O S Bot… !!


With the exception of doing the Wizard set dungeons a few months ago, I haven’t played Wizard since Critical Mass was a thing back in vanilla. I’m not obligated to play something I don’t enjoy.


Play what you like to. Boom. Problem solved. Can’t understand the guys who’s only playing meta builds.


Hi. You must not have played the first year of RoS.


And for how many years were wizards garbage? Give your head a shake


Watch what they do, not what they say.

Wizard? I thought they renamed it to Archon


Wizards, mainly the Meteor builds, do a signficant portion of their damage in one, large, AoE hit. It greatly lessens the amount of strain on the server - The server doesn’t have too much issue in processing large numbers, but has been shown, repeatedly, that processing too many numbers at once creates an immense amount of lag (This was a large issue up until season… I think 9? I know that blizz spent a good 2 years trying to fix it, and eventually made it more stable by a huge number of fixes - Nerfing some builds, changing how damage is calculated in others, changing how ppl prioritize mobs in rifts, ect)

Now, Wizards…

The ONLY thing Wizards bring to the table IS trash killing - They have almost no support capability (The least amount of any class, their only support ability is Time Stop), and none of their builds makes for a good RGK, since all of their builds are based off large AoE more or less.

On the other hand…

DHs - Have a strong RGK build (Impale), have excellent trash-killing build (UE), and has some support (Sentrys, CC, Marked for Death, ect).
WDs - Has a strong RGK build (Harvester), has decent trash-killing builds (Arachys), has support (Hex, Pirahnado, BigBadVoodoo)
Crusaders - Has a strong RGK build (Invokers), strong trash-killing build (So many different trash killing builds), and quite a bit of support capability.

Monks/Barbs are both zDPS but Monk has both a strong RGK (Uliana’s) and strong trash clearing build (WoL). Barb… Eeeeh…
Necros are RGK, but also have strong support and trash clear builds too.

Note that by “Strong”, I mean mechanically, not numbers. Numbers can be changed on the fly. Mechanics can’t. Wizards have to get quite a bit of work done to their mechanics to get a good RGK or zDPS build. Thus, if any other trash-clear build makes it to the top, well, suddenly Wiz gets pushed out without ANY hope of getting back in the META.

Personally speaking, there are only 2 ways to fix the “meta”.

1: Power creep everybody to the point that everyone can clear GR 150 solo with ease. Keep cap at GR 150. At this point, you can bring whoever the !#@$ you want.
2: Allow additional players into groups. Much harder to pull off due to how old D3’s engine is, but will, at the least, change the meta (You would, at the very least, want to bring 1 of each class for all the buffs and debuffs everyone can give)


Personally, I’d much rather them buff the amount of xp you get from playing solo. Doesn’t make sense to me that you can play with others, make the game easier for each other and get 30% (I think) more exp while solo players are left in the dust.

I’d bet majority diablo players are solo for the most part. The game would be very different if playing solo gave an exp buff. People wouldn’t be so pigeonholed into playing mainly wizard and necro for speed meta groups.


i play monk and DH, its fun

Don’t contradict yourself. Have you seen how many people playing demon hunter?

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pls elaborate. How is the number of DH players a contradiction to what I said?

interesting, do you happen to have any kind of videos showcasing this ? Im having a hard time believing that projectile based build can reliably serve as a trash killer, but I might be wrong …

spell mechanics, area of effect of the spells you can use (that is different for every skill for every class), the amount of ramp-up damage you can get, the reliance on Area Damage procs that cause server lag and potentially few more things…

i agree with op, every other class except wizard is unplayable even on public as a trash killer. I need to meet at least paragon 3000 DH in order to clear trash on low 105 grs.

Uliana Monk as RGK? Seriously?!

Uliana EP Monk is a trash killer by pulling large groups and then detonating EP. It has a hard time killing single enemies, which is why you drag elites with you and kill them alongside trash, and it needs the Stricken gem to kill the RGK sufficiently fast.