Why Pride's Fall for LoD Twister Wizard?

I just checked the S22 Wizard Leaderboard and I found all the wizard the cleared GR148~150 are using Pride’s Fall.

My question is why? Do they manually cast ET or something?

In case some of you guys curious, yes, someone from Korea cleared GR150 as a wizard.

umm pride fall give cost redution i f not taking dmg, i think it work the same like squirt so u can keep aquila quirass beenfit on ?

yes the RCR is very usefull to maintain aquila, and you need to cast ET from time to time, because, the way that proc works, procs dont procs procs, the twisters procced by etched sigil are procs, and area damage are procs to, so the twisters created by the sigil wont proc area damage, so you need to cast the twisters if they merge with the tiwster created by the sigil then they will proc AD
u will learn more if u read this guide

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I use Andariels and channeling belt. Some prefer use witch hour and rcr hat. There is 2 ways to boost dps. We can use probably both: andariels and wh but with high paragon and some rcr on gear only.

My suspicion is that they hard cast spells in order to get the max out of the elemental exposure so having low cost is valuable.
Not in any means an expert so if I’m wrong don’t bash my head into pulp :wink: