Why not let the people decide?

wow steady on now. I’m only saying why they won’t change their minds on having every item trade-able. I wasn’t on about the bots in D2 even though that could fall under the same category, no i was on about bots in general. Also ‘making money’ well… The reason D3 hasn’t had extra content other than repeating the same stuff is because it doesn’t make enough money to i guess. If they have people spending real money on the game then they can keep the game alive for longer and keep DLC etc coming. Cosmetics and stuff is always a great start. I never came up with the idea here anyway… Blizzard did. As for me selling rubbish items in D2, yea i probably did i was a lil kid and not very good at these types of games back then. Can’t of done too bad i managed to get some good items like enigma and other stuff. (can’t remember names other than enigma and BOTD)

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It’s not worth the backlash “why pick THAT option over THIS option!”

The bike shedding would be legion.

Outside of something super tangible like “I wish I could double click in the Enchanter window to select the option I just rerolled”, most suggestion are vague one liners, suitable perhaps for discussion, but not implementation. They’re also almost always without context on how such suggestion may have a rippling impact affect.

How many suggestions would they implement that could end up being “exactly what I asked for, and not what I wanted”.

I would have like for them to remove the ability for players to pop back to town and go hostile in public games, then pop box and PK strangers. Why was it impossible to open up a public game and not have a checkbox that said “no pvp – eva!”?

But, apparently, it was (maybe this has changed since, D2 is a long time ago). They never added that option. Was it vision? Was it technical? Was it “gee this is a lot harder than we thought” or were they simply philosophically opposed give a player who created the game this kind of power to deny PvP to complete strangers at the hosts peril.

Who knows.

I do not dare tap in to the complexities of a code base such as D3. We’ve always seen weird bug show up in, say, WoW, and marvel “how was it even possible for this to slip in here”.

So, yea, I think they do listen but they have have internal constraints and goals that we are not party to, and won’t be party too, that affect design, and if they can sneak in a request from the peanut gallery? So be it.

what exactly are you on about here? i don’t have any problems with people choosing to pvp if that’s what you are trying to get at. Ganking people and smashing them over and over to demoralise however i disagree with especially when you are way way way over geared than that person.

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Believe he’s talking about the concept of your “want” with “what would really happen” if they gave people what they “wanted”.

I’m a proud person and can argue until my face turns blue about something I’m wrong about…but I also know and come to terms with what I’m wrong about. This is the same with “what I want”. I know for darn sure that there is and has been many things I wanted but unknown to me…I actually didn’t want it lol and wished they would have not done what I wanted.

1, you won’t get a true proportional representation of the playerbase.

2, game development is not a democracy.


Because it ain’t a democracy. If you want to fatten up your purse with illegal profiteering, go make your own game.

Also, because of this:

Of course you don’t, as long as it’s YOUR pixels they waste their money on.

Well I really could care less about someone spending money on pixels…you all did buying the game technically. Said it before and I’ll say it again. I do not see why someone could/would/should care or complain about someone spending money on in game items/cosmetics…it’s there damn money.

That would be like me judging anyone here who spends more than $15 on a pair of jeans…it’s cotton, covers your nether regions…why do you need to spend a weeks worth of groceries for a pair of pants? But if that makes them happy and their happy with their life…good for them!

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Only really a problem if it affects the game design in a bad way. Trying to maximize the MTX income. Like, it is hard not to think the forced multiplayer in D4 is to increase MTX sales.

Or if the devs turn it into a gambling machine.

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Correct! Should be in my shpeel I guess. It can hurt gameplay of others and if turned into a pay to win scenario…although it is still their money and I would just quit playin the game if the one I was playing turned into that.

People paying for items in d2 never hurt my experience though…maybe because there wasn’t a LB as like D3 has?

I have not seen much evidence that this happens in WoW. While looks are subjective, there ate plenty of mounts and pets that look better than the ones on the shop that can be obtained through playing.and for ever pet and mount in the shop there are literally 50 in game. So all the cosmetics have not really changed how WoW was developed.

As much crap as people give Blizzard they really understand the balance of this issue IMO.

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ROFL. I’ve never sold an in-game item for real money in my life.
But the fact, that you have to make stuff up on the spot speaks volumes.

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I havent either. Only thing I have wondered about, is that the MTX pets often seem to be on “cute” side (puppies, big eyes etc.). Wonder if their data shows those sell better :smiley:
And some of the shop mounts have special lighting effects not normally seen on in-game mounts, which would be an indication of reserving their most unique designs for the shop. WoW is not bad with this though. It was also not designed with MTX in mind.

WoW as a subscription game (you already pay for all the ‘free’ mounts after all) cant really be compared to games where a much larger share (in some cases all) of revenue must be expected to come from MTX. In some of their free games, all relevant cosmetics seem to be MTX based.

One thing is putting all the good cosmetics behind MTX. Much worse would be making bad gameplay decisions to encourage the MTX.
Other than the possible one in D4 with forced multiplayer (not the same as online only mind you), D3s RMAH is another example. Lowering droprates so they can earn more money from the AH.

What does MTX mean? Yes, I really don’t know besides having to do something with purchasing in game content like cosmetics?

So yeah, just a word for “small” (which is quite relative of course) payments to buy stuff.

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I do, and he knows better than to let the many cooks decide what happens in the kitchen. His job was to be a front interface for multiple games, mostly WoW where he was an angry tree.

His name is Micah Whipple https://twitter.com/micahwhipple and he does some in depth talks on various platforms.

He was not fired. Not at all. Like many people he moved on to something that interested him more.


The system of restricted trade is the best of both worlds. Starting with free trade we would have what D3 had. Then when Blizz sees all of the bots that are there to farm for items to sell for real money. They will probably take it away again like they did in D3.

That would have the chances of burning them on ever thinking about having any kind of trade in a Diablo game. So all future titles wouldn’t have a trading system at all.

At least this restrictive trading system is something that is better than what D3 has right now.

Further no game is ever a democracy. I do believe that there have been a few developers that have tried the idea of letting players be the boss and it didn’t work out. I don’t know of a single game that has came out where the players had the final say as far as what goes into the game.


Because small-minded players like most, can’t see all of the big picture and only their selfies needs.

Ahh yes, because some people have disposable income they choose to spend differently than you they are small minded. Project much? Buying MTX is a way of supporting the game long term so they actually see the big picture.

There is more easy way then,

Let Softcore be like devs want - no free trade and zone PVP
Make Hardcore with free trade and no-zone restrict PVP

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When you start thinking that “the people” should decide that’s when “the people” should make their own game with the features that they decide.

I would rather have strongly executed vision than a half assed decomratic artwork. There is a reason why musicians normally don’t let the audience decide what instruments to use in their music, the audience can appreciate it or not. Artistic freedom.