Why it makes sense that D2 doesnt have any hard endgame

You must also must not forget that d3 got far more love than d2 had. If after release d2 got the same worktime from blizz what d3 had. Oh boy…

Patching games takes less manpower and money than it did in 2003. No doubt they would have changed a lot, I can almost guarantee if we had constant patches for D2, personal loot would have been implemented in the late 2000s. Look how WoW’s loot system changed.

Well currently that is the top “whirlwind” build thats why was this my example.

D3’s problem was the huge identity crises for 2-3 years. D2 didn’t really have that until 1.10, where the game was drastically altered (3 years into it’s lifespan, at the height of popularity with 1.09). D3 also had a much bigger budget and was created within a much more mainstream gaming environment. Probably had more developers on it too than D2. Only makes sense it got “more love.” Imagine if Brevik and crew never left Blizzard where D2 would be today.

Well i started wow on LK release. But lets see raid. FFA currently is true never could work. But that is only true cus:
1, Fights are much longer than d2
2, In raids weekly you can get loot once per week

So yeah FFA would be a joke in WoW. But in d2 1 run isnt last longer than minutes and i have chance to get loot every single time i make a new game. Hundreds or even thousand oppurtunity per day.

I don’t feel good about saying this but…I told you so, Blizzard

I knew the RMAH would damage the game’s reputation, knew they’d have to go to account bound, etc…sigh.

That is the main reason d2 is far more superior in my eyes. The main goal was to make a rly good arpg and not an automated game where i can farm gr 120-150 on the second or third day of the season with my friends. The power creep is just out of control.

RMAH was fine imo, it was making the drop rate too tied to it that sucked and sort of encouraged a pay to win model. D2 has the same problem today, it just isn’t endorsed by Blizzard. Account bound served two functions imo; a) to dramatically raise the drop rate (which in all honesty, isn’t that much different from D2 until you hit torment difficulty levels, but only noticeable as raining loot in rifts and greater rifts - which is what I am finding on my current playthrough playing Master from Act 1-3, switched to Expert for 3 and I have only found about 4 or 5 legendaries and 0 sets), and b) to limit exploitation by third party item sellers.

I would have preferred limited, selective trading, low drop rates, and no RMAH. That’s just me though, we all have different ideas of what would make games better, and that’s fine.

I’m not saying it made the game better (though I loved the gold auction houses ease…it was just too easy and not as rewarding as finding the stuff yourself). But any game with open trading is going to have rmt. I just preferred the rmt to be less intrusive (ie bots that would spam the chat, which consisted of entire screen, with ads d2legit being the one I remember most back during the pre D3 days) and that the money would actually benefit the company and the game, as well as be safe.

Yeah I do wonder what D4 will do as far as trading, I’m not sure if it will be 100% personal loot, a hybrid, or lots of trade…I don’t know how I feel about it, really.

I can’t point to where, but I remember them stating that not all items will be tradable. I highly doubt that they would use a non instanced loot model though. I’d say that they will continue D3s route though of smart loot.

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Yeah. I hated smart loot, still do.

Say my T16 Speeder is a monk (it is) but I main a WD (I don’t lol, but let’s say I do) it’s awful that whenever I’m hunting keys or mats, 85% of my items are going to be items I don’t even want. With no trading available, it’s ludicrous.

My only real positive of smart loot, is that it did sort of fit the type of game D3 was. The way loot tables worked was so different from D2, that loot I got for another class, really was not as usable on D3 as it was in D2 (especially pre 1.10). You also had the armorer which worked fine enough for a progression base of gear. Example being that if I found an Occy playing a Paladin, it gave me an excuse to roll a Sorc, or if I found a Titans on a Barb, there is my Javazon. Still works to an extent in 1.10 (for those examples) but now finding a Lycander’s Aim, Buriza, Ginthers, Butcher’s Pupil, etc doesn’t give that excitement of a build defining drop as it used to, due to it’s inability to really keep up in Hell like it used to with pre 1.10. And that is what D3 lacked, was really build defining mid tier gear that could be found and still be viable late game, thus smart loot was not as bad for that game. Even though legendaries and sets could roll at any level after loot 2.0, it still wasn’t the same

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Nice point, appreciated! I’m so glad I don’t have to feel stupid for not choosing one of three or four builds - that kind of restriction kills the fun.

I want hell to just keep stacking your resist get lowered each hell , mobs get stronger and stronger! Gear gets stronger and stronger! You might even get to right dual or triple immune mobs one day! Add new Ilevels , all items found in higher harder he’ll give adttional stats and mods so you can keep farming! It never ends just keep farming for ever end up on hell mode x20 and find a. SOJ with 12 stats lol for ever scaling everyting and if people cry about the grind to 99 go level in Everquest classic if you want a grind go play P99 green and be like ohhh this is grinding not wow classic! Gah could even add paragons after 99 or giant skill tree passives custom for each d2 class like the Poe skill tree just made for a d2 classes! But hey this game has 2000ish playerbase with a billion bots

but there could be more to do, it does not have to be 100% harder than the current “end game” but we could have MORE to do simply than doing baal runs for another 1000000 times

I dont think its easy end game. Some people still die often even with top equip. Killing might be fast, but death can be also.

I mean i understand your point but i think that d2 has extremely well balanced difficulty. You can feel powerfull but you can still die pretty fast if you are not paying attention.


I´m absolutely there with you!

I´m personally more than ok with D2 endgame - but as we have seen, there are people who want more endgame content, like greater rifts from D3 for example.

And while I can see why the feel they need something like this - because there isn´t much challenge left once you retained a certain quality of gear - I wanted to explain why I think this “lack” of endgame is actually better for the game overall.
Because the side-effects from adding endgame are doing more harm than good.

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End game PvP. Be strong enough to murder people, or be strong enough to save those from murderers hah