Why is leveling Headrig so expensive?

All the other artisans start at 1000 gold to level up from level 1. How come Headrig starts at 5000 gold from level 1? A bug? Did I miss something here?

The cost of leveling up of each artisans are different.
Jeweler’s rank 11 and 12 are more expensive than others if I remember correctly.
Nothing special.


Not a bug and you did not miss anything. This is how much it costs to Train all of your Artisans:

Note: The Jeweler is actually the most expensive to Train.

Blacksmith costs: 311,000 Gold + 1 Death’s Breath
Jeweler costs: 416,000 Gold + 1 Death’s Breath
Mystic costs: 226,000 Gold

It’s called a challenge, an obstacle to overcome, a task to fulfill, etc… Just like every other video game. Just do one Challenge Rift and you will have enough gold and mats to level all three of your artisans. That is a very, very common starting tactic at beginning of seasons. Players get their artisans max leveled in first 10 minutes of season start.


Zman, are you a new player? If you are, I can understand since you can’t access Challenge Mode Rifts and Adventure Mode before you complete the full Diablo campaign.

However, if you are a returning player or something, and you are playing on Seasonal, keep in mind that you can complete a Challenge Mode once/week which gives you a box that yields 5 million gold. More then enough to lvl up all 3 artisans to the max.

      D3꞉RoS Challenge Rift Cache

Gold =
Blood Shards =
Khanduran Rune =
Caldeum Nightshade =
Arreat War Tapestry =
Corrupted Angel Flesh =
Westmarch Holy Water =
Reusable Parts =
~ 370
Arcane Dust =
~ 355
Veiled Crystal =
~ 128
Death's Breath =


Too cryptic…

I don’t understand why the other artisans start at 1,000 gold while the Blacksmith starts at 5,000 gold. Looks like an error. Shouldn’t Blacksmith start a 1,000 gold too?

What is the justification starting at 5,000 gold for Blacksmith upgrades?

Looks wrong.

In the grand scheme of things does it really matter? Gold is ridiculously easy to accumulate… Who cares what the justification is? It is what it is.

I have been playing Blizzard games since the 90s. And I couldn’t tell you why they do things the way they do. But, it never stopped me from finishing the game.

Because the blacksmith is more valuable early on, when you are levelling. Therefore, he costs more. That is how the world works, including the world of Diablo.