Why is D3 not a proper e-Sport, and will D4 be more financially rewarding for competitive players?

Yes please.

An A-RPG will never be a good e-sport tbh (not that being good is always required for being an e-sport of course). No need to ruin PvE for that.

e-sports are a cancer for any form or RPG.

Keep that nonsense in RTS and MOBA where it belongs please.

E-sports are trash and activisionblizzard tried real hard to turn themselves into the wow and overwatch e-sport monopoly with their whole overwatch league bs that you have to pay a fee to participate.

E-sports has ruined gaming and blizzard was far too late to capitalize on it but they must lie to their investors because that’s what they want, instead of what the community wants. So they’ll do whatever they want as a publically traded company that doesn’t care about their core fans anymore.

I mean D3 has 4-6 buttons you press and none of them feel impactful or meaningful in anyway. Absolute trash game, the artwork is nice which is true for all activisionblizzard games.

Why is D3 not a proper e-Sport

Because it would finally ruin the unique and epic Subject Lore that this aRPG has.
-This game franchise is far away from being a MOBA.
-Blast Mobs, not Humans. :statue_of_liberty:

The e-sport craze ruined PVP in WoW. Please don’t inflict it on Diablo!

Because PvP would ruin PvE, which is the main reason for Diablo to exist.

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