Why doesn't PTR has a bag of gems?

The vendor should give Imperial gems, and Flawless Royal gems for rerolling and augmenting. A bag of fixed legendary gems at level 50 would help speed up testing. There is no need to test leveling up your gems +5 a GR for each gem. Please add a bag of gems for next PTR.


Just buy the one bag of fortune and get like 9 green gems and transmute them to any gem.


The problem is that we also need imperial gems to reroll rings and amulets… I am always short of these in PTR and have to do vaults to get more…


Put broken crown in cube and wear the gem you need in your helm and do T16 Rifts.

You will get alot of gems you need.

Also do Vault runs too.

This is all you need to do.

It’s PTR, we are here to test builds, not to farm components…


If you are testing builds, how can you not have enough gems already? I have like 3-4 thousand gens laying around. What’s next, you lack gold?

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I am testing in seasonal, that’s why.

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yeah for seasonal I would agree it would be useful, but on non seasonal it would be utterly pointless.

Add the captain crimson and augilds recipes in the every season as well… doing bounties to farm them is bad enough on the live server. On PTR it’s even worse.

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Ahh, builds aren’t tested in season anyways. But since you have to run rifts to level up anyways you should get the needed gems.

Theres litterally no need to test anything on PTR in Season, you are doing yourself a favor by going on NS.

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Except maybe the Seasonal theme?

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There should be a lot more than gems too.
The “weapons” bag doesn’t give you all the weapons. You literally have to craft yellows and upgrade, roll blood shards, or farm to get them all. Being the SotC is big for testing the new necro build, we really should be able to buy that from the vendor, and we can’t.
We should also get all recipes automatically or from a purchase, so we don’t need to do bounties. Maybe a bag of puzzle rings too (ive only seen 1 puzzle ring so far and im almost 800 paragon).
It would be really good if you could buy the 1 item you want. Like maybe a specific item bag, that drops 10 of that item or something.
And why does it cost blood shards?
Just make it free.

This is ptr, making us farm for the stuff we need to test is dumb.
While they’re at it, unlock all GR levels, so if you start a season you don’t have to go up 1 level at a time to test your build.

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If you complete a T16 Nephalem Rift, that gives you immediate access to GR75. The very first GR I ran on the PTR for my seasonal hero was a GR75 for this very reason.

And if you wanna run GR110 or higher?
Once you get to GR 95 3 levels at a time, you have to go up 1 level at a time. This is fine if you’re still figuring out the set and gemming etc… but when you clear it in 5 minutes, and want to go up 5 or 10 levels you can’t.

First, I like to be able to test new builds together with the seasonal theme (even if the theme of S21 is crap). Second, I like to level up while I test and to be in the actual conditions of season start, rather than use my NS characters which are paragon 3,300 (I know that I can test in NS and take away some of my paragons if necessary, but I just prefer seasonal).

the seasonal theme is not doing anything, its all visuals and dont do anything to testing

This season yes. That’s just bad programing/design, but you wouldn’t know that if you didn’t play seasonal.

Its specifically this season were talking about, there for no actual reason to test stuff on season, but for the future, suure! Add all kinds of stuff to ease the testing period but its easy to get by

Unless they fix it, like they generally do during PTR’s, and if we get a new patch Monday or Tuesday then we’ll probably need to play seasonal characters to test the new changes. Those changes will need to be tested at higher GR levels as well.