Why do H90 set items not give H90 skills a buff?/ same with Wastes, and probably other classes

Every time I look at my options when enchanting gear.

I notice that for barbarian H90 savages shoulders it gives a potential buff to barb skills, but all the skills I wouldn’t use when I have full 6-piece set.

H90 is for Frenzy, but the shoulders give a buff for Rend.

Wastes is for Rend, but gives a buff for Frenzy.

Why is it like this? and has it ever been the other way around such as H90 shoulders giving a 15% bonus to frenzy, and wastes giving a 15% bonus to Rend?

Screen shot provided for visuals.
(https ://flic.kr/p/2j5p4EZ)

Certain bonuses only appear on certain gear slots.

For Frenzy, the skill will only appear on pants and belt.

Generally speaking, there are 2 slots you can add the same +skill% affix:


These are mutually exclusive, so if your skill appears on shoulders, then the same affix will appear on a chest peice, and won’t ever appear in the other slots.

Other than that, you can get a third affix on a shield or off-hand item that is not a weapon, but is seldom a good idea unless your build actually uses a shield/orb/quiver etc…

EDIT: Forgot to mention…
The type of set is irrelevant. The same possible affixes will be able to be rolled regardless if it’s your H90 or Wastes shoulders. You need to reroll your pants and belt for extra Frenzy damage, and swap the Rend damage on your H90 shoulders to something more usefull like CDR or AR or AD depending on your needs.

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