Which do you find stronger

The new Marauder seems to work well with either the Cluster Arrow build or the Multishot builds.

My experience has been that the Cluster Arrow seems a bit Stronger than the Multishot. I was wondering what you all thought.

They are very close. It is easier to get results with CA as it’s more friendly towards gearing/stat/skill bar priorities as well as a more laidback play style. It’s also more aesthetically pleasing than MS.

With that said, MS requires a bit more work and finesse to get similar results, as well as a little more finicky in terms of what to fish for in high GR pushes. For most players, the extra work required isn’t worth it unless you really just like the playstyle of MS.

I will say though that for GR speeds, MS is noticeably better as it’s not as reliant on sentry A.I. shooting exactly where you want, but again, requires more work than CA.

At the end of the day, it all just comes down to preference.

Die, on average how quickly are doing GR125 and GR130?

I revamped what I was doing for speed GR’s, and now I’m doing 135’s in about 4 minutes on avg. Think I may be able to shoot for 140’s in 5 min with some tweaks.

Is that 4min 135 only on good maps?

Also, which are you using for that the MS or the CA?

Right at 3 minutes on very good maps, and slightly over 5 minutes on the worst of maps. I decided to stay in GR 132 territory as I can churn that more consistently, a little under 3 1/2 minutes on avg.

It took me a while to figure out that I had to play like old firebird wiz/current inna’s monk and less like a leapfrog DH. Best way to make use of sentry CD. Still making tweaks though.

I use MS, but either works. MS is going to be more consistent and have more favorable conditions for speeds. Going for a rocket CA rune helps with that though.


Just for reference, I’m at 3:30-4:00 GR130s with Cluster Arrow Maelstrom. It is a forward sweep strategy.