When will the DH bug be fixed?

When will the DH bug be fixed?
It’s not a bug so it’s not fixed?

Demon Hunter bug video link deleted.
I don’t know if Blizzard knows about this bug and just leaves it, or if it’s not a bug and just leaves it alone.

How to exploit bugs can be found quickly with just a search. And there are already many people taking advantage of this bug.
Just look at the Demon Hunter leaderboard. Aside from that, we know that many people are exploiting bugs so that they don’t appear on the leaderboards.

I advise you to remove the link from the 2nd (I don’t know if the 1st does it too) video since it explains how the bug exploit works.


Yes, it’s part of the Forum Code of Conduct and it makes about as much sense as a drunken lemur quoting Shakespeare. It’s not 1990, it’s 2023. The internet is everywhere, pretending that people won’t go looking unless they “see it on the forums” is a joke.

Spend two seconds looking at the leader boards and you quickly find that are the top clears are using some particular build. Hop on YouTube or Twitch and find the streamers boasting about it… now, you too, can get instant GR150 clears!

Fix the problem, don’t censor the people talking about the problem.