What would you like to see for patch 2.7.1?

I’d like the gap between solo play and group play closed much further and the emanate system expanded.

Perhaps even allow all three followers to follow you. With expanded emanate could get interesting.

Another idea is to allow xp gear on follower to fully benefit you, preferably as an exception on follower remove that lvl cap on xp.

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Why not? It can simply replace the Cain’s Destiny set since that one is pointless to wear outside of rifts.

When it comes to min/maxing followers, I’d say the ability to select class/main stat when you craft/gamble from is even more important. I mean, sure, I can throw my DH’s leftover DEX hand me downs to my Templar, but there’s still a fair bit I’m missing out on him not having STR.

Can it be added to Cain’s?

I’m not talking replace the set as in remove it entirely, I’m just saying swap cains out for the bounty cache set.

Did you read the post I linked?

My suggestion was to add the power as an emanation to follower tokens, i.e. something they already would wear, and not require a whole new set (which might share gear slots with Cain’s / Sage’s and force you to choose between them)

You’re not forced to choose it would require a little common sense to understand what keystones dont drop outside of rifts so there is no point in wearing the set outside of them. By swapping it for a bounty set you are not missing out on bonus keystones that do not drop from bounties…

The point is that followers are always wearing a token. Therefore, if the power was added to tokens, rather than introducing a completely new, follower-specific set, you’d get the same benefit without having to change armour slots.

So, how about adding an emanate power to all Follower specials (e.g. Templar relics, and so on) which grants four caches instead of one?

Would this mean the bounty power would be added to the already existing relics and so on so it would be Follower cannot die along with the 4 caches or would this be a completely different relic that I would have to swap in and out?

Yes, to all nine of them.


Only 1 thing:
Fix the lag

Actually, 1 more
Don’t tell me it’s my system\home network’s problem

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The DH get a build where the sentries auto fire your spenders and it does damage… I don’t care if it’s a LOD build even… I’ll put in the time to make the damn thing!

Would also be great if a legendary item made slow time bubbles do DOT damage again. My bro misses Del Rasha still.

Wow that is nearly an expansion. I like some of the items on the list.

GoD unnerfed, quiver unnerfed, missile dampening affix reworked, or better yet, removed and replaced with something else.

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Any buff to pets /summoner builds. Skills , items , sets , gems lets make them count for once


Ashera set as follwer only set.(opening up the option to give followers real dmg)
More items for the emenate system.
More leg. gems working for followers.
Cains set new bonus: halve the requirements to obtain bounty chests.
Buff WD, summons (not just WDs)
Rework Trang’oul, Zuni, Marrauder, every set that laks damage or toughness.
And that dose not likely to hapen: new and exciteing end game content ( not just competeing on leaderboards).

I’m really just hoping they expand on the follower update. I wanna see follower armories, and possibly a follower stash.

I know they wouldn’t want to add a follower stash from people “abusing” more stash space for their own characters. But they could just add another flag, like once you put an item into the follower stash it would become “follower bound”.

I’d love to see a list of items from Bliz of which items actually work and which don’t. It’s so tedious trying to test some of these items. And supposely some items used to work but now apparently dont but was never revealed in any patch notes or updates. (From my understanding, not certain on this actually)

dmkt puts out a lot of ideas and theorycrafting, primarily for DH and Crusader builds. A lot of them are very good ideas that Bliz should take a look at imo. But sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth posting ideas like that, cause I feel like Bliz would automatically deny said ideas just cause they weren’t there own. lol

There’s a lot of good ideas in this thread posted before this. Can’t say I agree with all of them of course. People asking for more damage buffs, and for followers to deal meaningful damage…Is something I don’t agree with. There’s already a ton of power creep in the game, we don’t really need more of it. Followers already buff our characters, through Flavor of Time, Nemesis Bracers, follower abilities granting us Crit/AttSpd/Dmg and Elemental Dmg, CDR, Slows/Stuns, Heals, Cheat Deaths, along with items like Cord of the Sherma and other items that can be useful…That all just add power creep in some form or another.

Though I wouldn’t mind seeing more Legendary Gems for followers…Makes no sense to me that only 2 Legendary Gems work currently (from my understanding), Why doesn’t or can’t Gogok of Swiftness, or Moratorium work, or maybe even Toxin gem (Forget the whole name for it). Though Toxin may be kinda too powerful imo.

And furthermore…Fix all the dam bugs causing all the lag, freezing, and crashing.

Just give us the same balance to classes and builds that was applied to D3 after the announcement of Diablo Immortal. That was near perfection, I’ve never seen D3 so balanced.

We have a followers, so just need to enlarge emanating list. 4th cube is necessery for 3 and 4 weapons which is critical for some builds.

Some very underperforming but fun old builds brought back to life.