What Can You Do with Spare Rings & Amulets

Sorry, haven’t played D3 in a long time and don’t know what is the latest, so hoping for some help.

What can you do with the spare rings & amulets other than sell them? Back in D2, I remember, you can “cube” them into new rings & amulets. Not sure whether you can do that in D3.


You can extract the power to the Cube or Salvage. It is not a good idea to sell them.
The Cube cannot change a ring or amulet into a different one.
The cube can reforge an item to change the stats, but it remains the same item at the same level.

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Thanks, Yessquire.

Salvage, I understand.

What happens when you extract the power to the Cube?

You can then get the benefit of the legendary power without having to equip the item. The Cube will let you equip 1-Weapon/Off-Hand, 1-Armor piece, and 1- ring or amulet.
You can choose from the various items that have been extracted.
Many items are class specific. Ex. A crusader cannot equip a Wand power, etc.

Ah yes. This one I kinda understand too. A few additional questions:

  1. Basically, I can extract the power that is marked with an orange dot, yes?
  2. After I extract, the power can be “equipped” or “unequipped” anytime. It does not get “used up” (i.e. it is not one time), correct?
  3. The power that gets extracted will be at max value, correct?
  4. Is there a cost (in materials etc) to extract? If yes, then I maybe really don’t want to use the materials on a low level ring power… I rather extract a power from an good legendary item.

All correct. If you have limited Bounty mats and Death Breaths, you may wish to wait a bit.
However, you cannot Unequip. You can only change to another power once one has been selected for that slot.
Also, the item extracted will be destroyed and each Hero will have it’s own, unique cube setup.

Perfect! Thanks again, Yessquire!

Sorry, one more question:

Some items also have a hollow orange dot. What does that mean?

Solid orange dot = affix cannot be extracted
Orange border, black inside = affix can be extracted, but hasn’t been
Orange border, yellow inside = affix has been extracted

Someone will be along with a screenshot shortly, I’m sure.

Thanks so much, Meteorblade.